Bibliographic citations
Malca, A., Vásquez, C. (2018). Diseño de un sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo para reducir riesgos en el área operativa de la empresa Intercore S.A.C. basada en la ISO 45001, Hualgayoc 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Privada del Norte].
Malca, A., Vásquez, C. Diseño de un sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo para reducir riesgos en el área operativa de la empresa Intercore S.A.C. basada en la ISO 45001, Hualgayoc 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada del Norte; 2018.
title = "Diseño de un sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo para reducir riesgos en el área operativa de la empresa Intercore S.A.C. basada en la ISO 45001, Hualgayoc 2018",
author = "Vásquez Caballero, César Guillermo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada del Norte",
year = "2018"
The present work proposes a design proposal and describes the methodology to follow to implement a safety and health management system at work, in the company INTERCORE SAC, and that can be applied in similar companies of the mining sector. The design of an OH&SMS, begins with an initial diagnosis of the company for which we rely on the checklist of guidelines of the OH&SMS described in the ISO 45001: 2018, the result of the diagnosis serves to propose an OH&SMS appropriate to the needs of the company. Initially, the theoretical foundations, conceptual and legal framework are presented, then the materials, methods and collection techniques that are required for a specific design of the implementation process of the OH&SMS are shown. Finally we talk about the results, analysis and conclusions, we started making an initial diagnosis of OH&SMS, to the operational part of the company through the checklist of ISO 45001: 2018, it was obtained that 4.16% is ready, 16.66% is almost ready and 79.18% there is work to be done, then the risks were analyzed through an IPERC matrix and it was obtained that the physical risk represents the 65.22% incidence, the environmental 13.05%, the ergonomic 8.69%, the chemical 8.69% and the mechanical risk 4.35%. Finally, the design of the SGS & ST based on ISO 45001: 2018, which allows the company INTERCORE S.A.C. Comply with the requirements required by the standard at 100%. Likewise, reducing the level of risk from medium to low by 100% preventing injuries and deterioration of health related to work and finally from the economic point of view is profitable since for each S / 1.00 invested a benefit of S / 0.42, avoiding fines or penalties and lost working hours. KEYWORDS: Safety management systems and health at work, safety and health at work, continuous improvement, culture of prevention.
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