Bibliographic citations
Echaccaya, M., (2013). Plantas de importancia en la dieta del “Suri” Rhea Pennata (Orbigny, 1834) (aves: Rheidae) en ecosistemas altoandinos de Moquegua, Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Echaccaya, M., Plantas de importancia en la dieta del “Suri” Rhea Pennata (Orbigny, 1834) (aves: Rheidae) en ecosistemas altoandinos de Moquegua, Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2013.
title = "Plantas de importancia en la dieta del “Suri” Rhea Pennata (Orbigny, 1834) (aves: Rheidae) en ecosistemas altoandinos de Moquegua, Perú",
author = "Echaccaya Álvarez, Marli América",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2013"
*** The Lesser Rhea, Rhea pennata is a bird of national importance and “critically endangered“, with a national distribution restricted to Southern high-Andean ecosystems of Peru. The study on diet to know the biology of the species can be fundamental to conservation programs and or use. For the study of the diet were analyzed feces that were collected in the first national census of 2008, all belonging to the district of Moquegua. The purpose of study, based on the analysis and subsequent identification, was determined the components, plant species and ecology about their foraging habits. Feces analysis was carried out between 2010 and 2012 in the Laboratory of Terrestrial Biogeography and Ecology. From the total of feces were found predominant organic components (Vegetable 96% of volume), and a small percentage of inorganic between them stones that would help the digestion of vegetable material. The structures that were more abundant were leaves with a greater volume of monocots such as Festuca spp, Poa spp., Cyperaceae Indet., Distichia muscoides and remains fruits as Oxychloe andina, Sisyrinchium sp. and Silene sp. The indices of density, weight and volume showed that Oxychloe andina prevails for these indices, and the most frequent species were Oxychloe andina, Onagraceae Indet. and Poa spp. The species with the highest Importance Value Index or IVI were Oxychloe andina, Poa spp., Festuca spp, them all herbaceous and within the monocots group. The diversity index (Shannon-Wiener index H = 2,48) for plants in the diet was higher than similar studies for the diet of this bird, but the niche index (Levins index B’= 0,03) showed a minimum value close to zero indicating a narrow niche breadth, and it would put it in the category of specialist for preferring one species like Oxychloe andina, above different species found, a result which should be complemented with future food availability for a similar time.
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