Citas bibligráficas
Basurto, C., (2011). Modelo “Cebaco” aplicado al control de procesos en el circuito de Molienda-Clasificación en una planta concentradora de minerales mediante el software LabVIEW [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
Basurto, C., Modelo “Cebaco” aplicado al control de procesos en el circuito de Molienda-Clasificación en una planta concentradora de minerales mediante el software LabVIEW [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2011.
title = "Modelo “Cebaco” aplicado al control de procesos en el circuito de Molienda-Clasificación en una planta concentradora de minerales mediante el software LabVIEW",
author = "Basurto Contreras, César Marino",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2011"
-- The process control in a concentrating plant appears like a problem of imponderable from the moment that the gross mineral falls to the tubes of the mill, the process is continuous and this continuity only stops when the product finally emerges to rest in the fields of storage of the concentrates and the fields of re-wash of the tails. The material in process cannot be weighed without interrupting such continuity; consequently, the control of the plant will depend much on the suitable sampling of the treated material that is like pulp. From these samples the essential and useful information of the analysis will be obtained, as far as the content of the metal, distribution as large as particles and water Content or other ingredients of the mineral pulp. With such information by hand, we can calculate the efficiency and the effectiveness of the work that takes place by means of the use of formulas and tabulations. But by the tedious that is the work to obtain information of the fact, more than everything by delay of the tests in laboratory, so, decisions cannot be taken right away to improve the production process. in the present work a methodology of process control, sets out called “cebaco” that consists basically of three parts main, first, the control method that set out, these are the operative variables in the circuit of milling-classification in a concentrating plant that is based on a humid malla in the same site of sampling, for which 2 are only needed, these can be No.60 and 200 that are the most recommendable and also to have a Densimeter (balance MARCY) with their respective monogram, we can weight pulp of 1litro of Capacity, knowing the mineral specific gravity, the pulp density with these data the solids percentage can be calculated in an instant in each flow of the filing cabinet, and with this data it calculates the negative accumulated percentage and positive of you enmesh mentioned, with these data collected using the mathematical models Gaudin-Schuhmann[64] and Rosin-Rammler [61], but used in mineral processing, with which the grain sized profiles are obtained almost right away and in an instant, the second contribution is the proposal of the mathematical model that is based on the density of the pulp taken these on each flow from the filing cabinet and of the density obtained when doing the humid mallaje respectively in you enmesh already mentioned; and the third party is I elaboration of software Goliat 0,2 in the programming language LabVIEW with the mathematical models that sets out where the obtained results is possible to be visualized in a computer. The tests of application and verification were realized, in Plants Concentrating of “Austria Duvaz” in Morococha, “Crown” of Chumpe in Yauricocha, Yauyos and “Huari” located in UNCP. Whish results were very flattering, agreeing almost in total with the proposition hypothesis. Like demonstration of which the methodology works optimally, as much in the process control like in the simulation, we can verify with the following obtained results, the size of cuts (d50) calculated [51]; with the data taken from the book of Juan Rivera Zevallos[58] in pages 307-324, is 77,31 microns and the classification efficiency is of 42,32 and making the calculations with the methodology, it gives that d50 is 77,32 microns and the classification efficiency gives a value of 42,71, is possible to be clearly noticed that almost there is no difference, In the second case in the comparison of the results of the data collected in the concentrating plant of “Chumpe” Yauricocha, when doing the process control and the respective calculations by the traditional methodology, as it is realized in the majority of the plants, it gives a value of d50 of 81,31 microns and the classification efficiency gives a value of 57,93% and when doing the control and its respective calculations with the methodology “Cebaco” give as result d50 of 83,56 microns and the efficiency of classification of 53,18% can also be noticed mainly in this completes that the difference is not significant, being the level of significance of 0.08 and with a approximation of 92%, in the third case also when evaluating another test of the data taken from the concentrating plant mentioned when doing the calculations with the traditional method, it gives an efficiency of classification of 48,49% and with the methodology “Cebaco” the classification efficiency is about 48,02%, also almost are similar, in the fourth case when doing the evaluation of the results obtained in the concentrating plant “Austria located Duvaz” in Morococha, the d50 calculated by the traditional methodology gives a value of 88,3061 and d50 calculated with the methodology “Cebaco” gives a value of 85,2559 existing a difference of so only 3,45 and the value of the efficiency of classification by the traditional methodology gives a value of 51,8102 and the calculated with the methodology “Cebaco” gives a value of 51,6255 existing an insignificant difference of 0,36 and the reason of circulating load calculated by the traditional methodology gives a value of 1.903 and the calculated one with the methodology “Cebaco” gives a value of 1,887 whose difference is of so only 0.84. So, the demonstration more important, where it is verified that the method “Cebaco” is an suitable proposal, occurs with the increase of the utility for the concentrating plant and this was obtained from valuations of the concentrates in both cases, first with the obtained metallurgical balance with the traditional method and the other with the metallurgical balance obtained of the works carried out with the proposed method, this is based on a better time of control, as for the time with the traditional method in the best cases is of 4 hours and with the proposed method is of so only 5 minutes, this implies that the corrections are made right away and in an instant, so it brings consequently theimprovement of the recoveries laws of the concentrates and therefore increase of the productivity. By the calculations done I determine a utility of 11. 53 dollars American more by ton of mineral treated, when realizing the control with the proposed method.
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