Bibliographic citations
García, E., (2005). Eficacia de un protocolo de apoyo educativo en el incremento del conocimiento en los padres de familia de niños con parálisis cerebral. Hogar Clinica San Juan de Dios, 2004 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos].
García, E., Eficacia de un protocolo de apoyo educativo en el incremento del conocimiento en los padres de familia de niños con parálisis cerebral. Hogar Clinica San Juan de Dios, 2004 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2005.
title = "Eficacia de un protocolo de apoyo educativo en el incremento del conocimiento en los padres de familia de niños con parálisis cerebral. Hogar Clinica San Juan de Dios, 2004",
author = "García Chuman, Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
year = "2005"
The Cerebral Paralysis is a “affection of the Nervous System taken place before, during or after the birth for a lesion or defect of the development in the cerebral centers“; due to the different alterations motorboats, people that suffer it require of the appropriate cares to satisfy their basic necessities, being the parents the main ones responsible for having and] enough knowledge for the attention so special that they require, through a guide or protocol that he/she helps them; it is for that reason that the necessity arises of investigating the following thing: “Effectiveness of a Protocol of Educational Support in the Increment of Knowledge in Parents of Family of Children with Cerebral Paralysis. Home Clinic San Juan of God“, he/she had as general objective: To determine the Effectiveness from a Protocol of Educational Support to Parents of Family of Children with Cerebral Paralysis. The present study is of Quantitative type - level applicative, method to use is Quasi-experimental, the sample to study is 20 parents of children's family with cerebral paralysis between 2 and 5 years of age. The data were gathered by means of interview, using a pre-test, you applies the Protocol of Educational Support in a hoisted individual way, previous an informed consent for the realization of the domiciliary visits after one week and to carry out a search - test to verify the effectiveness of this protocol. Before the application of the Protocol it was evidenced that some mothers showed low knowledge on the appropriate cares that should be offered to the boy (to) with Cerebral Paralysis as for the basic necessities, the appropriate form of communicating, the behavior and the acceptance of the I diagnose on the part of the parents and other members of the family, after the application of the protocol there was an increment of the knowledge in the diverse aspects; you can conclude that the Protocol of Educational Support was effective, that which favors the children with Cerebral Paralysis improving its quality of life.
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