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Title: Nivel de calidad del cuidado enfermero desde la percepción de la madre, servicio de alojamiento conjunto, Hospital Regional Docente Las Mercedes 2016
Advisor(s): Gálvez Díaz, Norma del Carmen; Lora Vargas, Susana María Del Pilar
OCDE field: http://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#3.03.03
Issue Date: 2017
Institution: Universidad Señor de Sipán
Abstract: The present research work entitled “Quality level of nursing care from the perception of the mother, joint accommodation service, Regional Hospital Las Mercedes 2016“, being of type and design methodology, quantitative, descriptive; Aiming at: measuring the level of quality of nursing care from the perception of the mother, joint accommodation service, the sample consisted of 152 puerperas, its inclusion criteria was used for puerperae from 16 to 35 years of age, Postpartum women wishing to participate in the research, postpartum women hospitalized in the high obstetric and puerperal risk service. In the theoretical framework we speak of Donavedian, Jean Watson, we also use technical standards from the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. The data collection was done through a modified survey called SERVQUAL 24, being validated by 5 expert judges, with a reliability of 99%, analyzing the statistical data of software SPSS 21, obtaining as results: according to their levels 33% is low, 38% are regular, 21% are low and 8% are excellent, they showed that with a high percentage of women, the mothers have a regular level of perception towards the care provided by the nurse towards their newborns. Conclusions: mothers result in a regular perception about the care given to their newborn by the nurse, due to the great demand for care in the newborn and to have so few nurses to provide such services To provide an excellent quality of humanized and holistic care, prioritizing the needs of the most primordial care. At all times the ethical criteria set forth by Belmont were taken into account and within the criteria of scientific rigor, credibility, validation, reliability and confidentiality.
Discipline: Enfermería
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Señor de Sipán. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Licenciada en Enfermería
Register date: 31-Aug-2017

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