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Veliz, J., (2018). Expediente Civil Desalojo por Ocupante Precario [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de las Américas].
Veliz, J., Expediente Civil Desalojo por Ocupante Precario [Trabajo de investigación]. : Universidad Peruana de las Américas; 2018.
title = "Expediente Civil Desalojo por Ocupante Precario",
author = "Veliz Noriega, Jhonny Armando",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de las Américas",
year = "2018"
Title: Expediente Civil Desalojo por Ocupante Precario
Authors(s): Veliz Noriega, Jhonny Armando
Advisor(s): Quiroz Palacios, Jheydi
Keywords: Desalojo
Issue Date: Mar-2018
Institution: Universidad Peruana de las Américas
Abstract: El presente trabajo, tiene por objetivo realizar un resumen del expediente civil N° 14022-2003, que tiene relación con la demanda de desalojo por ocupante precario, interpuesta por la empresa Shell Perú S.A., contra de la empresa LUBRICORD E.I.R.L. y Manuel Gustavo Córdova Ardions, para que se le restituya el espacio que ocupan del inmueble de su propiedad, ubicado en la Av. Tingo María N° 1172-1194, Chacra Ríos Sur – Cercado de Lima, con la finalidad de constatar si durante su tramitación se realizó un debido proceso o si se incurrió en algunas deficiencias, omisiones, errores o contradicciones entre las instancias.
En ese sentido, realizado el análisis del expediente en estudio, se verificó que la demanda se tramitó con fecha 25 de marzo 2003, ante el 24° Juzgado Especializado en lo Civil de Lima, en la vía de proceso sumarísimo, siendo declarada infundada; sin embargo, al ser apelada por la empresa demandante, la Sala Civil de Corte Superior de Lima, al realizar una interpretación errónea del inciso 2 del artículo 1708° del Código Civil, la revocó y reformulándola, declaró fundada la demanda, siendo impugnada el fallo por el representante legal de la empresa demandada mediante recurso de casación, la que fue resuelta por la Sala Civil Transitoria de la Corte Suprema, declarando fundado el recurso de casación, confirmando la sentencia de primera instancia que declaró infundada la demanda, de esta forma, se le dio la razón a la empresa demandada LUBRICORD E.I.R.L., por ocupar legalmente el espacio del inmueble en litigio, que le otorga el contrato de arrendamiento celebrado con su anterior propietario la Sucesión Mario Lercari Fossa y al amparo del inciso 2 del artículo 1708° del Código Civil; por lo tanto, continuaría en la posesión hasta que se resuelva el contrato de arrendamiento con arreglo a Ley; proceso que se tramitó en forma regular conforme a los plazos establecido por el Código Procesal Civil; no obstante, se incurrió en algunas irregularidades, omisiones, errores y contradicciones entre las instancias, conforme se detalla en el presente trabajo.
The present work, aims to make a summary of the civil file Nº 14022-2003, which is related to the demand for eviction per precarious occupant, filed by the company Shell Perú S.A., against the company LUBRICORD E.I.R.L. and Manuel Gustavo Córdova Ardions, to restore the space occupied by the property of their property, located at Av. Tingo María N° 1172-1194, Chacra Ríos Sur - Cercado de Lima, in order to verify whether during its processing a due process was carried out or if there were any deficiencies, omissions, errors or contradictions between the instances. In that sense, made the analysis of the file under study, it was verified that the claim was processed on March 25, 2003, before the 24th Civil Court of Lima, in the way of summary proceedings, being declared unfounded, however, when appealed by the plaintiff company, the Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Lima, when making an erroneous interpretation of subsection 2 of article 1708 of the Civil Code, revoked it and reformulating it, declared the claim well founded, being challenged by the legal representative of the company sued by appeal, which was resolved by the Transitory Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court, declaring the cassation appeal, confirming the judgment of first instance that declared the claim unfounded, this way, the defendant company LUBRICORD EIRL was given the reason, by legally occupying the space of the property in litigation, which grants the lease agreement entered into with its previous owner Mario Lercari Fossa Succession and under subsection 2 of article 1708 of the Civil Code, therefore, it would continue in possession until that the lease contract be resolved in accordance with the Law; process that was processed in a regular manner according to the deadlines established by the Civil Procedure Code, however, incurred in some irregularities, omissions, errors and contradictions between the instances, as detailed in this work.
The present work, aims to make a summary of the civil file Nº 14022-2003, which is related to the demand for eviction per precarious occupant, filed by the company Shell Perú S.A., against the company LUBRICORD E.I.R.L. and Manuel Gustavo Córdova Ardions, to restore the space occupied by the property of their property, located at Av. Tingo María N° 1172-1194, Chacra Ríos Sur - Cercado de Lima, in order to verify whether during its processing a due process was carried out or if there were any deficiencies, omissions, errors or contradictions between the instances. In that sense, made the analysis of the file under study, it was verified that the claim was processed on March 25, 2003, before the 24th Civil Court of Lima, in the way of summary proceedings, being declared unfounded, however, when appealed by the plaintiff company, the Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Lima, when making an erroneous interpretation of subsection 2 of article 1708 of the Civil Code, revoked it and reformulating it, declared the claim well founded, being challenged by the legal representative of the company sued by appeal, which was resolved by the Transitory Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court, declaring the cassation appeal, confirming the judgment of first instance that declared the claim unfounded, this way, the defendant company LUBRICORD EIRL was given the reason, by legally occupying the space of the property in litigation, which grants the lease agreement entered into with its previous owner Mario Lercari Fossa Succession and under subsection 2 of article 1708 of the Civil Code, therefore, it would continue in possession until that the lease contract be resolved in accordance with the Law; process that was processed in a regular manner according to the deadlines established by the Civil Procedure Code, however, incurred in some irregularities, omissions, errors and contradictions between the instances, as detailed in this work.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de las Américas. Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Register date: 6-Aug-2018; 6-Aug-2018
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