Bibliographic citations
Reyna, M., (2024). Inteligencia emocional y parentalidad positiva en progenitores de preescolares de un jardín público de Villa María del Triunfo [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Reyna, M., Inteligencia emocional y parentalidad positiva en progenitores de preescolares de un jardín público de Villa María del Triunfo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Inteligencia emocional y parentalidad positiva en progenitores de preescolares de un jardín público de Villa María del Triunfo",
author = "Reyna Cornejo, Mikely Marisol",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The objective of this research was to analyze the association between emotional intelligence and positive parenting. 145 parents (Female= 114; 78.6%; Male= 31, 21.4%) of 20 and 56 years old (M= 34.4, SD=8.07) who had preschool children from a public entity nest in Villa María del Triumph. The Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) and the Positive Parenting Scale (E2P) were administered in this population in a pandemic context and a correlational analysis between the variables was prioritized.The results indicated that there is a significant and positive relationship between emotional intelligence and positive parenting. Specifically, it was found that the dimension of Regulation of Own Emotions (ROE) demonstrated greater strength of association with the dimensions of Positive Parenting and to a greater extent with bonding competence. Likewise, a low relationship was found between the Use of Emotions (UEO) dimension and, to a lesser extent, with protective competence. From the positive parenting, a greater associative force was evidenced in the bonding and formative competences with the dimensions of EI. In conclusion, the greater the capacity of caregivers to express, recognize, regulate and manage emotions, the greater the system of knowledge, skills and abilities that help to achieve positive parenting.
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