Bibliographic citations
Moran, R., Valle, H. (2023). Propuesta de instructivo para mejorar el proceso de visitas a obras inmobiliarias con herramientas TIC en el servicio de supervisión financiera en Lima, año 2023 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Moran, R., Valle, H. Propuesta de instructivo para mejorar el proceso de visitas a obras inmobiliarias con herramientas TIC en el servicio de supervisión financiera en Lima, año 2023 [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Propuesta de instructivo para mejorar el proceso de visitas a obras inmobiliarias con herramientas TIC en el servicio de supervisión financiera en Lima, año 2023",
author = "Valle Molina, Henry Jason",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
This professional proficiency work deals with the implementation of a proposal for instructions to carry out inspection visits to the portfolio of projects managed by the company JLV, as part of the financial supervision service. The main problem identified is the traditional management with which inspection visits are being carried out, which does not allow it to use its resources efficiently, making it more complex to collect the information required to inform its employees. clients about the progress, quality and safety of the work, data necessary to estimate and approve the disbursement of the valuations with which the projects are financed. Therefore, as a solution design, a proposal for instructions for inspection visits is implemented using ICT tools, where it is proposed to use the Typeform platform and the use of a drone, which as a result was able to optimize the inspection time. visit by 21%, and it was possible to increase a time buffer of 21% to the traditional inspection visit schedules to counteract possible unforeseen events that may arise during the scheduled visits. This means that with the implementation of the instructions, inspection visits carried out on building projects of up to 12 floors in the finishing stage can now be carried out in an approximate time of 76 minutes, 20 minutes less than the traditional time. Likewise, daily schedules that have three inspection visits during an 8-hour day will have a total buffer of 1 hour and, finally, using the drone provides better visualization for estimating construction progress and verifying quality and/or safety observations.
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