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Vegas, D., (2020). Estrategias de branding para comunicar la sostenibilidad de las empresas B [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Vegas, D., Estrategias de branding para comunicar la sostenibilidad de las empresas B [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Estrategias de branding para comunicar la sostenibilidad de las empresas B",
author = "Vegas Tavera, Daniela Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Título: Estrategias de branding para comunicar la sostenibilidad de las empresas B
Otros títulos: Branding strategies to communicate the sustainability of B Corps
Autor(es): Vegas Tavera, Daniela Maria
Asesor(es): Alberto Nicoli, Zarzar
Palabras clave: Branding; Identidad de marca; Comunicación visual; Sostenibilidad; Empresas B; Brand identity; Visual comunication; Sustainability; B Corporation
Campo OCDE:;;
Fecha de publicación: 26-feb-2020
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: El presente artículo describe la importancia de realizar estrategias de branding para un colectivo específico de empresas que tienen planteado usar el mercado de bienes y servicios como un intermedio para alcanzar objetivos éticos y contribuidores hacia el ámbito social y ambiental. En este caso, las Empresas B, un nicho de empresas que aún sigue siendo un fenómeno emergente.
Se realizó una investigación de clase mixta, en la cual se empleó una técnica cualitativa para encontrar datos relevantes sobre el fenómeno que estudia la incorporación de la sostenibilidad a la gestión de identidad de marca de Empresas B en relación con sus consumidores. Y a su vez, se efectuó una técnica cuantitativa con motivo de recolectar información directa del target a través de encuestas online.
Los resultados a partir de lo investigado demostraron que un gran porcentaje de los millennials peruanos desconocen lo que es una Empresa B. Esto ocurre debido a que no se lograba comunicar visualmente el concepto de cada marca a su totalidad, ya que no se difunde contenido ordenado y consistente en los medios de comunicación correctos de cada empresa B, y por lo tanto no resulta memorable en la mente de los consumidores.
Se concluyó que las estrategias adecuadas para realizar el branding de una Empresa B sintetizan el entendimiento de un problema para realizar una ejecución gráfica y a partir de ello, trazar una comunicación coherente. De igual forma, la importancia de potenciar su imagen de marca, reside en el propósito de contribuir con el medio ambiente y a la vez encontrar una posición favorable en el mercado. De este modo, los consumidores tendrán la oportunidad estar informados sobre diversos movimientos los cuales tiene como objetivo solucionar problemas por los cuales ellos mismos reclaman de manera eficaz, interactiva, incluyente.
This article describes the importance of carrying out branding strategies for a specific group of companies that plan to use the market for goods and services as an intermediate to achieve ethical and contributing objectives towards the social and environmental field. In this case, B Corp, a niche of companies that is still an emerging phenomenon. A mixed class investigation was carried out, in which a qualitative technique was used to find relevant data on the phenomenon that studies the incorporation of sustainability into the management of brand identity of B Corps in relation to its consumers. And in turn, a quantitative technique was carried out to collect direct information from the target through online surveys. The results from what was investigated showed that a large percentage of Peruvian millennials do not know what a Company B is. This occurs because it was not possible to visually communicate the concept of each brand in its entirety, since no ordered content is disseminated. and consistent in the correct media of each company B, and therefore not memorable in the minds of consumers. It was concluded that the appropriate strategies to perform the branding of a B Corporation synthesize the understanding of a problem to carry out a graphic execution and, from that, draw a coherent communication. Similarly, the importance of enhancing your brand image lies in the purpose of contributing to the environment and at the same time finding a favorable position in the market. In this way, consumers will have the opportunity to be informed about various movements which aims to solve problems for which they themselves claim in an effective, interactive, inclusive way.
This article describes the importance of carrying out branding strategies for a specific group of companies that plan to use the market for goods and services as an intermediate to achieve ethical and contributing objectives towards the social and environmental field. In this case, B Corp, a niche of companies that is still an emerging phenomenon. A mixed class investigation was carried out, in which a qualitative technique was used to find relevant data on the phenomenon that studies the incorporation of sustainability into the management of brand identity of B Corps in relation to its consumers. And in turn, a quantitative technique was carried out to collect direct information from the target through online surveys. The results from what was investigated showed that a large percentage of Peruvian millennials do not know what a Company B is. This occurs because it was not possible to visually communicate the concept of each brand in its entirety, since no ordered content is disseminated. and consistent in the correct media of each company B, and therefore not memorable in the minds of consumers. It was concluded that the appropriate strategies to perform the branding of a B Corporation synthesize the understanding of a problem to carry out a graphic execution and, from that, draw a coherent communication. Similarly, the importance of enhancing your brand image lies in the purpose of contributing to the environment and at the same time finding a favorable position in the market. In this way, consumers will have the opportunity to be informed about various movements which aims to solve problems for which they themselves claim in an effective, interactive, inclusive way.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Diseño Gráfico
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Diseño
Grado o título: Bachiller en Diseño Profesional Gráfico
Fecha de registro: 10-nov-2020
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