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Alcalde, A., Armas, M., Baldeon, A., Checcaña, R. (2020). ATALLPA [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Alcalde, A., Armas, M., Baldeon, A., Checcaña, R. ATALLPA [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "ATALLPA",
author = "Checcaña Chahuayllo, Ruslen America",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
Authors(s): Alcalde Huaraya, Armanie Rulman; Armas Soria , Marco Antonio; Baldeon Villa, Andrea Lissette; Checcaña Chahuayllo, Ruslen America
Advisor(s): Ramírez Bohada, Juan Carlos
Keywords: Creación de empresas; Gastronomía saludable; Pollo a la brasa; Business creation; Healthy gastronomy; Grilled chicken
Issue Date: 14-Jul-2020
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: ATALLPA ofrece a sus clientes una experiencia gastronómica saludable con diversidad de sabores peruanos, hechos en base de insumos peruanos acompañados de ensaladas frescas y nutritivas y tubérculos cocidos, pensando siempre en el cuidado la salud.
La propuesta va dirigida a personas entre 18 a 55 años de NSE A y B, personas deportistas con hábitos alimenticios saludables y personas que cuidan su salud, con pocas opciones para degustar este plato tradicional y exquisito que optan por el consumo de alternativos como comidas naturistas o preparar sus propios alimentos.
ATALLPA cuenta con un mercado nicho de clientes potenciales para lograr un crecimiento de ventas de 3% anual apoyado por el crecimiento del sector de pollo a la brasa que es el plato típico más consumido por los peruanos. Debido a la oportunidad de crecimiento del consumo de este plato, el crecimiento de estilo de vida saludable y la pandemia actual que atraviesa el país; las personas cuidan lo que consumen. Asimismo, las personas valoran más la calidad del producto y los altos estándares de atención respecto al cuidado de la salud por el temor a contraer el nuevo coronavirus COVID – 19.
Se planifica poner en marcha el proyecto ATALLPA con una inversión de S/ 89,340.00, los cuales generan un retorno de rentabilidad financiera expresado en Valor Actual Neto de S/ 163, 695.00 y la inversión total se recupera en 1.8 años.
ATALLPA offers to its customers a healthy gastronomic experience with a diversity of Peruvian flavors, made from Peruvian inputs accompanied by fresh and nutritious salads and cooked tubers, always thinking about health care. The proposal is aimed at people between 18 and 55 years of age from NSE A and B, sportspeople with healthy eating habits and people who take care of their health, with few options for tasting this traditional and exquisite dish who opt for the consumption of alternatives such as naturist meals or preparing their own food. ATALLPA has a niche market of potential customers to achieve a sales growth of 3% per year supported by the growth of the grilled chicken sector which is the typical dish most consumed by Peruvians. Seeing the opportunity for growth in the consumption of this dish, and considering the growth of healthy lifestyle; and in turn by the pandemic that we are going through, people worry about what they consume, valuing more the quality of the product and the high standards of care regarding health care for fear of contracting the new coronavirus COVID-19. The ATALLPA project is planned to be executed with an investment of S/ 89,340.00, which will generate a return of financial profitability expressed in Net Present Value of S/ 163,695.00 and the total investment will be recovered in 1.8 years.
ATALLPA offers to its customers a healthy gastronomic experience with a diversity of Peruvian flavors, made from Peruvian inputs accompanied by fresh and nutritious salads and cooked tubers, always thinking about health care. The proposal is aimed at people between 18 and 55 years of age from NSE A and B, sportspeople with healthy eating habits and people who take care of their health, with few options for tasting this traditional and exquisite dish who opt for the consumption of alternatives such as naturist meals or preparing their own food. ATALLPA has a niche market of potential customers to achieve a sales growth of 3% per year supported by the growth of the grilled chicken sector which is the typical dish most consumed by Peruvians. Seeing the opportunity for growth in the consumption of this dish, and considering the growth of healthy lifestyle; and in turn by the pandemic that we are going through, people worry about what they consume, valuing more the quality of the product and the high standards of care regarding health care for fear of contracting the new coronavirus COVID-19. The ATALLPA project is planned to be executed with an investment of S/ 89,340.00, which will generate a return of financial profitability expressed in Net Present Value of S/ 163,695.00 and the total investment will be recovered in 1.8 years.
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Discipline: Marketing; Administración de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grade or title: Bachiller en Marketing; Bachiller en Administración de Empresas
Register date: 30-Sep-2020
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