Bibliographic citations
Ramírez, J., Rodríguez, A. (2023). Análisis de la adherencia de un mortero diseñado con cemento Qhuna y adicionado con fibra de vidrio al 2% y 4% [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Ramírez, J., Rodríguez, A. Análisis de la adherencia de un mortero diseñado con cemento Qhuna y adicionado con fibra de vidrio al 2% y 4% [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2023.
title = "Análisis de la adherencia de un mortero diseñado con cemento Qhuna y adicionado con fibra de vidrio al 2% y 4%",
author = "Rodríguez Vergara, Alexander Jesús",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2023"
As it is already known, in recent years the concern about the waste of non renewable materials and pollution in general has been increasing exponentially, the use of materials is constantly being innovated and the world of construction is no exception. Whether it is glass, rubber, plastic, among other materials, we are always looking to use them in the different processes involved in a construction project. One of the construction materials with high demand in this world is mortar, due to its various purposes, we are constantly looking for ways to improve it, one of the ways is by adding various additives, and a very good option is to use non-renewable resources and give it a new value. For this research we focused on the use of fiberglass at 2% and 4% with a mix design of 1:3.42, and we focused on compression and diagonal compression tests, obtaining favorable results that encourage us to offer it as a productive and eco friendly option. In order to reach these conclusions, we had to perform the basic temperature and slump tests, and the results were within the acceptable values for these. We continued with plastic shrinkage, in which 6 cracks were obtained by adding 0% glass fiber, 5 cracks by adding 2% and 3 cracks by adding 4%. The compressive strength tests also showed positive results, highlighting that the addition of 4% fiberglass at 28 days improved the strength by 5%. And for diagonal compressive strength, its average was 7.28 kg/cm2 versus 6.42 kg/cm2 when glass fiber was not added. In conclusion, the samples that had the best response were those with 4% glass fiber addition, it is recommended to continue with different tests to observe and analyze their behavior.
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