Citas bibligráficas
Ramírez, E., (2015). Eficacia del uso de la terapia combinada nifedipino/progesterona frente a nifedipino en el tiempo de prolongación del embarazo en gestantes con amenaza e parto pretérmino. hospital regional docente 2010-2014. [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO].
Ramírez, E., Eficacia del uso de la terapia combinada nifedipino/progesterona frente a nifedipino en el tiempo de prolongación del embarazo en gestantes con amenaza e parto pretérmino. hospital regional docente 2010-2014. [Tesis]. : Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO; 2015.
title = "Eficacia del uso de la terapia combinada nifedipino/progesterona frente a nifedipino en el tiempo de prolongación del embarazo en gestantes con amenaza e parto pretérmino. hospital regional docente 2010-2014.",
author = "Ramírez Delerna, Ernesto Arturo",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO",
year = "2015"
Check whether combination therapy nifedipine / progesterone is more effective than nifedipine to prolong pregnancy in pregnant women with preterm labor, with the following combinations, nifedipine + progesterone and nifedipine alone. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective, cross-sectional, comparative and observational study that evaluated 62 patients with a diagnosis of preterm labor was performed. RESULTS: In the group of pregnant women who were administered the nifedipine alone had an average pregnancy prolongation time 6.96 days and a standard deviation of 5.83 days, while in the group of pregnant women undergoing therapy with nifedipine plus progesterone, time prolongation of pregnancy was 12.16 days and a standard deviation of 11.67 days showing a statistically significant difference ( p < 0.05 ) , and to point out that the administration of combination therapy lasts more days pregnancy, compared to no combined therapy ; however, it has a 9.7 % preterm births not in the combined-therapy group compared to 0.0 % of preterm births not in the group with no combination therapy, and applying the X2 test matches is not found ( p> 0.05 ) , there is no statistically significant difference in injury time of gestational age that interferes with the outcome of preterm delivery; finally the F-test analysis of covariance did not detect a statistically significant difference ( p> 0.05 ) time resolution of the uterine dynamics , although shown a lower average time patients undergoing nifedipine , with ( 2.10días ) with regard to patients undergoing nifedipine / progesterone ( 2.68 days). 10 CONCLUSIONS: Representative substantive difference in the time of pregnancy prolongation which is corroborated by the application of the F-test analysis of covariance with p < 0.05 with an average of 6.96 days and 12.16 days nifedipine with application of combination therapy.
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