Citas bibligráficas
Ferradas, L., Flores, J. (2015). Estudio descriptivo del Tratado de Libre Comercio para mejora de la factibilidad de exportación de quinua orgánica a los Estados Unidos, ventajas y desventajas en el año 2015 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO].
Ferradas, L., Flores, J. Estudio descriptivo del Tratado de Libre Comercio para mejora de la factibilidad de exportación de quinua orgánica a los Estados Unidos, ventajas y desventajas en el año 2015 [Tesis]. : Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO; 2015.
title = "Estudio descriptivo del Tratado de Libre Comercio para mejora de la factibilidad de exportación de quinua orgánica a los Estados Unidos, ventajas y desventajas en el año 2015",
author = "Flores Neyra, Jesús Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO",
year = "2015"
The present thesis it isfaced to the progress of the practicality ofexportation with the Treaty of free tradewhich serves like an opportune informationthat the producers and Peruvian exportersneed to extend its knowledge on this one.The barriers that identify character soundfor tariff as they are: sanitary permissions,regulations of labeling, of quality, etc. Alsothe consultancy tackles the topic of thebioterrorism and laws relating to the foodimport in the United States. The study presents references and keyinformation of saying bought for thePeruvian companies. It is based on a seriesof managerial interviews and visits topublic institutions and private roadsinvolved in the development of thecommerce and promotion of the Peruvianexports, which contribute valuableinformation of access of markets that useto length of everything the document. Asfor the secondary sources, there wasconsidered to be the United States theinformation of studies related to the foodexportation, official sources like FDA,international Commission of commerce ofthe United States, etc. According to the theory of the reciprocaldemand of John Stuart Mill (1848), the freetrade agreement guarantees thepreferential access of the Peruvian exportsto the North American market, in which weappreciate that the organic quinua has hada favorable evolution in the last years.Being an organic product to be exported tosuch a demanding market, it takes as arequisite to fulfill laws, regulations or wellknown politics of this better country as thebarriers for customs duties that in somecases restrict the access of productsimported on its market, between that thetechnical barreas stand out, the barriers Icome up environmental and the qualitybarriers. In Peru also we are provided with sanitaryauthorities which regulate on the subject ofharmlessness of fresh agricultural productsand food, which ones are a Digesa(Department of health), Senasa(Department of agriculture) and the ITP(Department of the production) We detail also at the freedom a notablegrowth has been seen in last years, thiswith helps of the public exportingcompanies of the area and of the entity likeexporting Saw that encourage theexportation of this grain of gold across itsprograms and hardware). In the opposing results they do emphasis ofthe importance that has the free tradeTreaty for the exportation of the quinua,0%alreadypaysatarifftohimselfwithitmanagestobe benefits for the companies.The biggest opening of the Americanmarket thanks to this agreement hasmeant also the increase and evolution ofthe exportation stemming the biggest joband position of a Peruvian product that atthe same time is highly nourishing. Forwhich one concludes that the advantagesof the exportation of organic quinua thanksto the signature of the TLC, it has been animportant activator for the developmentand support of the same one. With the recommendations one hopes thatthe producers and exporters should beprovided with the necessary and specifichardware to be able to enter successfully tothe North American market, whichcomplement each other with the analysispresented in the present profile. It is important to highlight that the contentof the present work tries to be anexhaustive analysis prepared withsecondary sources; of the free-tradeagreementanditspracticalityofexportation of the organic products, in thiscase the organic quinua much requestedon the American market. Words fix: practicality of exportation,barriersforcustomsduties,regulations,foodharmlessness, free-trade agreement,competitive advantage, tariff game.
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