Bibliographic citations
Yépez, P., Pumarica, M. (2024). Estudio de tiempos en el proceso de tratamiento de agua para aumentar la productividad en la planta de la junta de usuarios de riego presurizado del Distrito de Moche Virú Chao 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego].
Yépez, P., Pumarica, M. Estudio de tiempos en el proceso de tratamiento de agua para aumentar la productividad en la planta de la junta de usuarios de riego presurizado del Distrito de Moche Virú Chao 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego; 2024.
title = "Estudio de tiempos en el proceso de tratamiento de agua para aumentar la productividad en la planta de la junta de usuarios de riego presurizado del Distrito de Moche Virú Chao 2022",
author = "Pumarica Maguiña, Milenka Georgette",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego",
year = "2024"
The general objective of this research work is to carry out a time study in the water treatment process to increase productivity in the company Junta de usuarios de riego presurizado del Distrito de Moche Virú Chao 2022, which is in the Panamericana Norte Km 522.5, Sector Nuevo California, Viru - La Libertad. The research was descriptive applied type, with pre-experimental design, for the collection of data took formats and documentary analysis which helped to establish improvements in the company. As results it was obtained that the processes of flocculation and coagulation are those that define the rhythm of production, for it maintains a productivity of 352.02 litres for each sun invested in the treatment of water, the implementation of tools for the control of the flow was proposed which facilitated the levelling, this caused a change in the productivity for what was obtained an increase to 395.26 litres for each sun invested. The research concludes with the increase in productivity by 10.801% and the hypothesis was contrasted, and it was determined that there is a significant favourable change in productivity, and it is economically viable since the cost benefit is 3.95 which indicates that it generates benefits in the organisation
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