Citas bibligráficas
Chilón, P., (2019). Percepción de las madres sobre el cuidado humanizado que brinda la enfermera en la unidad de cuidado intensivo neonatal Hospital Belén de Trujillo, 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO].
Chilón, P., Percepción de las madres sobre el cuidado humanizado que brinda la enfermera en la unidad de cuidado intensivo neonatal Hospital Belén de Trujillo, 2019 [Tesis]. : Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO; 2019.
title = "Percepción de las madres sobre el cuidado humanizado que brinda la enfermera en la unidad de cuidado intensivo neonatal Hospital Belén de Trujillo, 2019",
author = "Chilón Briceño, Paola Yudith",
publisher = "Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO",
year = "2019"
The descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out with the purpose of determining the mothers' perception of the humanized care provided by the nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Hospital Belén de Trujillo, 2019. An instrument was applied: Scale to measure perception of the mother on the humanized care provided by the nurse in a sample of 43. The results in the mother's age were 26% from 15 to 19 years, 16% from 20 to 24 years, 16% from 25 to 30 years, 33% from 31 to 35 years, 9% older than 40 years and the mother's degree of education 26% was in primary, 44% in secondary, 26% in technical, 5% in University The mother's perception of the humanized care provided by the nurse was 72.1% adequate and 27.9% inadequate humanized care. The mother's perception of the humanized care provided by the nurse according to dimensions; readiness for care 72.1% adequate and 27.9% inadequate humanized care, nursing qualities 60.5% adequate humanized care, 39.5% inadequate and according to openness to nurse-patient communication 72.1% humanized care is inadequate and 27.9% adequate.
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