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Asesor(es): Reyes Vizcarra, Harry Nelson
Fecha de publicación: 16-ene-2019
Institución: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Resumen: Tutor home es un aplicativo móvil que responde a las necesidades del mercado especifico de tutores (docentes) y padres de familia preocupados por la educación de sus hijos, quienes son los usuarios finales de nuestra plataforma. Este modelo de negocio viene escalando en el mercado mundial, dada la demanda por tutorías y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías a través de los celulares inteligentes. Por otro lado, la plataforma Tutor Home, permite a los usuarios tutores registrarse On Line y a los usuarios estudiantes o padres de familia, hacer su requerimiento en Línea mediante un desktop o Smartphone de un tutor calificado en una materia específica para realizar la enseñanza o reforzamiento dentro del hogar del usuario por una cantidad de horas mensuales, del mismo modo, la forma de pago por el servicio prestado, es vía pasarela de pagos de distintos proveedores. Nuestra inversión inicial como accionistas asciende a S/ 42168.70, y requerimos un financiamiento de S/ 28112.47, los cuales son cedidos por un préstamo a cinco años que nos permite tener un retorno de la inversión en el segundo año. Así mismo, el flujo de caja proyectado nos permite obtener un VPN FCLD de S/ 333.231 y un VPN FCNI de S/ 283362 en los cinco primeros años de operaciones en el mercado peruano Para sostener el modelo de negocio nos basamos en servicios especializados de diseño, geolocalización y marketing digital que nos permitirán obtener los indicadores básicos para elaborar nuestras estrategias de diferenciación y posicionamiento.

Tutor home is a mobile application that responds to the needs of the specific market of tutors (teachers) and parents concerned about the education of their children, who are the final users of our platform. This business model has been climbing in the world market, given the demand for tutoring and the use of new technologies through smartphones. On the other hand, the Tutor Home platform allows users to register on-line and to student users or parents, to make their request online through a desktop or Smartphone of a qualified tutor in a specific subject to carry out teaching or reinforcement within the user's home for a number of monthly hours, in the same way, the form of payment for the service provided is via the payment gateway of different providers. Our initial investment as shareholder’s amounts to S/ 42168.70 and we require a financing of S / 28112.47, which are ceded by a 5-year loan that allows us to have a return on investment in the second year. Likewise, the projected cash flow allows us to obtain a FCLD VPN of S / 333,231 and a FCNI VPN of S / 283362 in the first five years of operations in the Peruvian market. To sustain the business model we rely on specialized design, geolocation and digital marketing services that will allow us to obtain the basic indicators to develop our differentiation and positioning strategies.

Tutor home is a mobile application that responds to the needs of the specific market of tutors (teachers) and parents concerned about the education of their children, who are the final users of our platform. This business model has been climbing in the world market, given the demand for tutoring and the use of new technologies through smartphones. On the other hand, the Tutor Home platform allows users to register on-line and to student users or parents, to make their request online through a desktop or Smartphone of a qualified tutor in a specific subject to carry out teaching or reinforcement within the user's home for a number of monthly hours, in the same way, the form of payment for the service provided is via the payment gateway of different providers. Our initial investment as shareholder’s amounts to S/ 42168.70 and we require a financing of S / 28112.47, which are ceded by a 5-year loan that allows us to have a return on investment in the second year. Likewise, the projected cash flow allows us to obtain a FCLD VPN of S / 333,231 and a FCNI VPN of S / 283362 in the first five years of operations in the Peruvian market. To sustain the business model we rely on specialized design, geolocation and digital marketing services that will allow us to obtain the basic indicators to develop our differentiation and positioning strategies.
Enlace al repositorio: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/625293
Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración y Gerencia del Emprendimiento
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). División de Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos (EPE)
Grado o título: Bachiller en Administración y Gerencia del Emprendimiento
Fecha de registro: 25-mar-2019

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