Bibliographic citations
Bautista, R., (2024). Inteligencia musical en los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Emblemática Juan José Crespo y Castillo de Ambo, Huánuco - 2023 [Universidad Nacional "Daniel Alomía Robles"].
Bautista, R., Inteligencia musical en los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Emblemática Juan José Crespo y Castillo de Ambo, Huánuco - 2023 []. PE: Universidad Nacional "Daniel Alomía Robles"; 2024.
title = "Inteligencia musical en los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Emblemática Juan José Crespo y Castillo de Ambo, Huánuco - 2023",
author = "Bautista Asto, Richard Raúl",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional "Daniel Alomía Robles"",
year = "2024"
This thesis report highlights the most relevant results corresponding to the research study called: Musical intelligence in the students of the Emblematic Educational Institution Juan José Crespo y Castillo de Ambo, Huánuco – 2023. The main objective of this study was determine the level of musical intelligence in the students of the Juan José Crespo y Castillo de Ambo Emblematic Educational Institution, Huánuco – 2023. A descriptive study has been carried out with a transversal quantitative methodology, with a sample of 76 students. An observation guide was used as a data collection instrument that had a reliability of 0.825 in Cronbach's Alpha and was validated by experts on the subject. The results show that the level of musical intelligence possessed by high school students of the aforementioned emblematic educational institution is mostly medium, 97.4%(74), and only 2.6%(2) are located at the higher level; Regarding the rhythm dimension, 84.2% (64) of the students are located at the medium level and 15.8% (12) are located at the higher level; Regarding the dimensions: tone and musical ability, 100% (76) of the students are located at the average level, it is concluded that there is an average level of musical intelligence in high school students of the Emblematic Educational Institution Juan José Crespo y Castillo de Ambo , Huánuco – 2023 and that there are no statistically significant differences in the level of musical intelligence according to sex.
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