Citas bibligráficas
Toledo, J., (2022). Techos verdes en Lima: implementación y mantenimiento para su sostenibilidad y sus beneficios en la ciudad [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Toledo, J., Techos verdes en Lima: implementación y mantenimiento para su sostenibilidad y sus beneficios en la ciudad []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2022.
title = "Techos verdes en Lima: implementación y mantenimiento para su sostenibilidad y sus beneficios en la ciudad",
author = "Toledo Choquehuanca, José Jesús Martín",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2022"
This work reviews the professional experiences developed in green roofs in the districts of Miraflores, San Isidro and Barranco at Lima city. It describes the installation procedures, maintenance and business process that took part in the management of green roofs. The main critical points in their development and implemented solutions were analyzed. In that sense, plant selection species was improved in such a way that they could coexist efficiently under Lima’s environmental conditions, while reducing their water consumption by 84%. Likewise, growing associated crops to replace monocultures reduced the cost of agrochemical applications by 55%. Regarding green roof operation, technical support from qualified staff contributed to improved procedures for both, marketing and maintenance. Special emphasis was placed on the economic savings that green roofs generate in the maintenance of buildings, in order to increase its selling value through raising customer's awareness. Finally, a sustainability analysis of operations was carried out, with the support of the free software EDGE, thereby providing greater confidence to the client and increasing the closing of sales of maintenance services and services by 30%. installation of green roofs.
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