Bibliographic citations
Santander, K., (2018). Introducción de un hidrolizado líquido de gallinaza como fertilizante edáfico y estimulador del crecimiento radicular [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Santander, K., Introducción de un hidrolizado líquido de gallinaza como fertilizante edáfico y estimulador del crecimiento radicular [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2018.
title = "Introducción de un hidrolizado líquido de gallinaza como fertilizante edáfico y estimulador del crecimiento radicular",
author = "Santander Hidalgo Candia, Kharolyn Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2018"
In recent decades, the poultry sector in Peru has grown rapidly. This implies the production of large volumes of organic waste that must be recycled. These organic waste possess high contents of nutrients that can be available to plants. Among the diverse technologies generated for recycling, are the hydrolyzed. In the present work, tests were carried out at the field and greenhouse level based on the use of a liquid hydrolyzed layer manure (LHM), which was produced through the enzymatic hydrolysis of manure from laying hens (layer manure) by means of lactic acid bacteria, employing yeast supernatant as a liquid medium, and molasses as an additional source of energy. The hydrolysis of the proteins contained in the layer manure resulted in the release of amino acids, thereby giving it potential as an edaphic fertilizer and stimuland for the plant growth. The effect of the application of the different doses of LHM on the yield and root growth was evaluated in two crops: Potato (field experiment), and cauliflower (pot experiment). On field, doses of 0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 l/ha were applied, with four (04) repetitions per treatment. Among the parameters evaluated the total yield and the commercial yield of the crop were considered. A randomized complete block design with four (04) treatments and four (04) repetitions was used to measure the effect of treatments. The results obtained showed that the application of LHM generates a progressive increase on the crop yield of potato as the doses of the product applied to the soil increase, that is, a lower yield in the control treatment (without application) was obtained, and an higher performance with the highest dose applied. Although the results are not statistically different, it would demonstrate the positive effect of the application of LMH as a stimulant for the plant growth. In pots, doses of 0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 ml/pot were applied, with four (04) repetitions per treatment; which corresponds to 0, 20, 50, 100 and 200 ppm of nitrogen contained in the LMH. Among the parameters evaluated were considered: Fresh and dry matter produced from roots (g), root length (cm), root area (cm2) and; EC (dS/m) and the pH of the used substrate. A randomized complete block design with five (05) treatments and four (04) repetitions was used to measure the effect of these treatments. The results obtained show that for any of the evaluated parameters there were statistically significant differences, however, there is indication of a possitive effect, but at low and medium doses, because employing the highest dose T5 (very high dose), the effect was deleterious, indicating that this concentration causes adverse effects to crops. Individual tests carried out allow to recommend the use of LMH as an edaphic fertilizer; however, to obtain optimum performance, it should be applied as a complement to mineral fertilization. Likewise, the application of the LMH to the soil results in a positive effect as a promoter of plant growth; however, this must be applied by instalments, so as not to cause adverse problems in crops, due to the inherent characteristics of the product concerned. Therefore, the LMH represents an alternative that could be adopted by the farmer as part of his agronom ic management.
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