Citas bibligráficas
Chang, J., (2023). Arduino: medición y registro de temperaturas en cursos formativos para la carrera de meteorología en la unalm 2022-I [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Chang, J., Arduino: medición y registro de temperaturas en cursos formativos para la carrera de meteorología en la unalm 2022-I []. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2023.
title = "Arduino: medición y registro de temperaturas en cursos formativos para la carrera de meteorología en la unalm 2022-I",
author = "Chang Chang Fun, Juan Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2023"
The continuing cost lowering of electronic elements has made accesible to more people the capability to measure and record data automatically. And meteorology is a field of knowledge where data is measured and recorded. Training meteorology students in electronic measuring and recording of data, requires a long process, that in UNALM beings with the course “Electrónica Experimental” where students are give a glimpse of Arduino. An open source platform that allows working with analog and digital sensors and process their signals. When combined with other components this platform can measure and record weather data. This work’s intention is to induce students of meteorology careers to the world of Arduino by the hand-on experience of using this platform in actual laboratory experiments to foster the exploration, assimilation and exploitation of low cost electronic technology in their future courses. Two voluntary student groups made two experiments, one using conventional alcohol or mercurythermometers to calculate styrofoam thermal conductivity and demonstrate cooling law, a second one using and Arduino platform fit with two DS18b20 temperature probes. The students expressed satisfaction to advance in their knowledge of electronics, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of using low cost electronic equipment and perceived the usefulness that this technology could have in their careers.
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