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Título: Análisis comparativo en la determinación de la capacidad admisible por los métodos de Terzagui y Meyerhof, para el diseño de cimentaciones superficiales según las carácterísticas del suelo de Inquilpata del distrito de Anta.
Asesor(es): Román Villegas, Eigner
Palabras clave: CimentacionesExcavacionesSuelos
Fecha de publicación: 27-oct-2016
Institución: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Resumen: La presente investigación estuvo orientada a realizar un análisis comparativo entre dos métodos de diseño de Cimentaciones Superficiales tales como son: “Terzagui” y “Meyerhof” ambos utilizados en la actualidad en nuestro medio local. Para la elaboración de la presente tesis se realizaron excavaciones a cielo abierto (calicatas) aleatoriamente y de los cuales se extrajeron parámetros propios de los suelos de la comunidad de Inquilpata del distrito de Anta y provincia de Cusco, los ensayos que se realizaron fueron tanto de caracterización como de resistencia al corte. Para el desarrollo de los diversos ensayos se trabajó en el laboratorio de suelos de la Universidad Andina del Cusco. Se realizó el estudio aplicable al Diseño de Cimentaciones Superficiales Corridas y Cuadradas por ambos métodos. Se concluyó que el método de “Terzagui” es el más aplicable a nuestro medio local, por ser más seguro y más conservador según los resultados obtenidos.

This research was aimed to make a comparative analysis between two design methods such as shallow foundations they are: “Terzagui“ and “Meyerhof“ both used today in our local environment. For the preparation of this thesis excavations randomly open pit (pits) were made and which specific parameters of the soil community Inquilpata district of Anta and province of Cusco were removed, tests performed were both characterization and cut resistance. For the development of the various tests we worked in the laboratory of soils of the Andean University of Cusco. the applicable study was conducted to design Superficial Foundations runs and Square by both methods. It was concluded that the method of “Terzagui“ is the most applicable to our local environment, being safer and more conservative as the results obtained. This research was aimed to make a comparative analysis between two design methods such as shallow foundations they are: “Terzagui“ and “Meyerhof“ both used today in our local environment. For the preparation of this thesis excavations randomly open pit (pits) were made and which specific parameters of the soil community Inquilpata district of Anta and province of Cusco were removed, tests performed were both characterization and cut resistance. For the development of the various tests we worked in the laboratory of soils of the Andean University of Cusco. the applicable study was conducted to design Superficial Foundations runs and Square by both methods. It was concluded that the method of “Terzagui“ is the most applicable to our local environment, being safer and more conservative as the results obtained.
Disciplina académico-profesional: Ingeniería Civil
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Grado o título: Ingeniero Civil
Fecha de registro: 16-may-2017

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