Citas bibligráficas
Figueroa, J., (2024). Análisis de desgaste abrasivo a través de simulación DEM para una faja transportadora de mineral de hierro [Tesis, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología].
Figueroa, J., Análisis de desgaste abrasivo a través de simulación DEM para una faja transportadora de mineral de hierro [Tesis]. PE: Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología; 2024.
title = "Análisis de desgaste abrasivo a través de simulación DEM para una faja transportadora de mineral de hierro",
author = "Figueroa Pacheco, José Carlos",
publisher = "Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología",
year = "2024"
The lost profits per hour rate for a certain mining company due to programmed activities such as change or maintenance for a belt conveyor can achieve up to S/ 345,299. A case study about belt wear causes and the use of emergent technologies during transfer systems design (chute and belts) was developed in this thesis. The case study is located between the 2 and 70 m.o.s.l. The given information belongs to the 2020 annual period of operations for the TT3 transfer tower which is between the first and the second crushing stage. A 0.06% (S/ 2,983,383) decrease in the annual lost profits because of the change of a belt conveyor was achieved through the redesign of the existing box-type transfer chute for a hood and spoon type transfer chute. Referential values such as: the belt conveyor wear, the discharge weight distribution over the belt and the difference between the belt conveyor velocity and the ore discharge velocity are indicators to compare and decide the convenient transfer chute design. The objective was completed using The Discrete Element Method (DEM); for the individual interactions computing and, The Finite Element Method (FEM); for the 3D design and the mesh design.
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