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Luque, D., (2021). Control interno y el proceso de recuperación de créditos del Sub Cafae Cusco periodo 2017 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Luque, D., Control interno y el proceso de recuperación de créditos del Sub Cafae Cusco periodo 2017 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "Control interno y el proceso de recuperación de créditos del Sub Cafae Cusco periodo 2017",
author = "Luque Flórez, Dany",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
Title: Control interno y el proceso de recuperación de créditos del Sub Cafae Cusco periodo 2017
Authors(s): Luque Flórez, Dany
Advisor(s): Cunza Valdeiglesias, Javier Orlando
Keywords: Control interno; Recuperación de créditos
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 9-Apr-2021
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la relación entre el control interno y el proceso
de recuperaciones de créditos del Sub Cafae S.E. Cusco en el periodo 2017, y toma como
referencia para su análisis el comportamiento general de otros años (2007-2019), planteando
finalmente alternativas de solución a los problemas detectados. El método de investigación
tiene un enfoque cuantitativo siendo de alcance descriptivo-correlacional y de diseño no
experimental de corte transversal, habiéndose aplicado cuestionarios a los colaboradores
inmersos en el proceso de recuperaciones, complementada con información documental
proporcionada por la institución para su posterior tratamiento y análisis. La finalidad del trabajo
es presentar la situación del control interno en el proceso de recuperaciones de créditos del Sub
Cafae S.E. Cusco en el período 2017 aplicando la metodología COSO, llegándose a las
siguientes conclusiones: Existe una relación significativa entre el cumplimiento de
procedimientos de control interno y el proceso de recuperaciones de créditos dentro de la
institución, donde el incumplimiento de los procedimientos de control interno repercuten
negativamente en un 86% aproximadamente en el proceso de recuperación de créditos. El
cumplimiento de procedimientos de control interno en sus cinco dimensiones alcanzó
porcentajes bajos en su mayoría, poniendo así en alto riesgo las operaciones financieras de la
institución, lo que se evidenció con los altos niveles de morosidad alcanzados en el período de
estudio y que se mantuvieron a lo largo de los últimos 12 años (2007-2019) comparados con
los ratios de morosidad manejados en el sistema financiero nacional. Finalmente, los
indicadores de gestión muestran una cartera de riesgo muy elevada con alto riesgo de no poder
ser cobrada, procesos judiciales escasos mediante los cuales se recuperan montos muy bajos, y
una deserción de usuarios que se acentúa con el correr de los años.
The present work aims to analyze the relationship between internal control and the process of credit recoveries of Sub Cafae S.E. Cusco in the period 2017, and takes as a reference for its analysis the general behavior of other years (2007-2019), finally proposing alternative solutions to the problems detected. The research method has a quantitative approach being descriptive- correlational in scope and non-experimental cross-sectional design, having applied questionnaires to collaborators immersed in the recovery process, complemented with documentary information provided by the institution for further treatment and analysis. The purpose of the work is to present the situation of internal control in the process of credit recoveries of sub Cafae S.E. Cusco in the period 2017 applying the COSO methodology, reaching the following conclusions: There is a significant relationship between compliance with internal control procedures and the process of credit recovery within the institution, where non- compliance with internal control procedures has a negative impact on approximately 86% of the credit recovery process. Compliance with internal control procedures in its five dimensions reached mostly low percentages, thus putting the financial operations of the institution at high risk, which was evidenced by the high levels of delinquency achieved in the study period and that were maintained throughout the last 12 years (2007-2019) compared to the delinquency ratios managed in the national financial system. Finally, the management indicators show a very high risk portfolio with a high risk of not being able to be collected, scarce judicial processes through which very low amounts are recovered, and a desertion of users that is accentuated over the years.
The present work aims to analyze the relationship between internal control and the process of credit recoveries of Sub Cafae S.E. Cusco in the period 2017, and takes as a reference for its analysis the general behavior of other years (2007-2019), finally proposing alternative solutions to the problems detected. The research method has a quantitative approach being descriptive- correlational in scope and non-experimental cross-sectional design, having applied questionnaires to collaborators immersed in the recovery process, complemented with documentary information provided by the institution for further treatment and analysis. The purpose of the work is to present the situation of internal control in the process of credit recoveries of sub Cafae S.E. Cusco in the period 2017 applying the COSO methodology, reaching the following conclusions: There is a significant relationship between compliance with internal control procedures and the process of credit recovery within the institution, where non- compliance with internal control procedures has a negative impact on approximately 86% of the credit recovery process. Compliance with internal control procedures in its five dimensions reached mostly low percentages, thus putting the financial operations of the institution at high risk, which was evidenced by the high levels of delinquency achieved in the study period and that were maintained throughout the last 12 years (2007-2019) compared to the delinquency ratios managed in the national financial system. Finally, the management indicators show a very high risk portfolio with a high risk of not being able to be collected, scarce judicial processes through which very low amounts are recovered, and a desertion of users that is accentuated over the years.
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Discipline: Contabilidad con mención en Auditoría y Control Interno
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Escuela de Pos Grado
Grade or title: Maestro en Contabilidad con mención en Auditoría y Control Interno
Juror: De La Torre Dueñas, Cleto; Cusimayta Quispe, Magna Asiscla; Philco Prado, Fernando; Porcel Guzmán, Nery
Register date: 19-Nov-2021
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