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Title: The effects of financial factors on peruvian mining companies share price
Advisor(s): Santillán Zapata, Nivardo Alonzo
OCDE field: http://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.07.05
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Continental
Abstract: This research analyses the relationship and relative importance of financial factors on the Peruvian mining copper companies ́ share prices from 2010 to 2018. Voting common share prices were focused and book value, dividend per share, dividend yield, price earnings, earnings per share and roe were employed as regressors. Fixed-effects regression was used, and tests of stationarity, distribution, and specification harnessed. It was found that earnings per share and dividend yield had a positive and significant relationship with share prices, while book value had a negative one.
Discipline: Administración y Negocios Internacionales; Administración y Marketing
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Continental. Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa.
Grade or title: Licenciada en Administración y Negocios Internacionales; Licenciada en Administración y Marketing
Register date: 30-Jun-2021

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