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Ortiz, L., (2025). Proyecto de registro y control de bienes patrimoniales en un hospital de Lima – 2024 [Universidad María Auxiliadora].
Ortiz, L., Proyecto de registro y control de bienes patrimoniales en un hospital de Lima – 2024 []. PE: Universidad María Auxiliadora; 2025.
title = "Proyecto de registro y control de bienes patrimoniales en un hospital de Lima – 2024",
author = "Ortiz Agramonte, Leonardo Alfonso",
publisher = "Universidad María Auxiliadora",
year = "2025"
Title: Proyecto de registro y control de bienes patrimoniales en un hospital de Lima – 2024
Other Titles: Project for registration and control of assets in a hospital in Lima – 2024
Authors(s): Ortiz Agramonte, Leonardo Alfonso
Advisor(s): Pérez Sánchez, Christian Jesús
Keywords: Control patrimonial; Gestión patrimonial; Etiquetado; Inventario de bienes; Hospital; Asset Control; Asset Management; Labeling; Asset inventory
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 24-Feb-2025
Institution: Universidad María Auxiliadora
Abstract: El estudio es de enfoque cuantitativo y Cualitativo (mixta), tipo aplicada, descriptiva y explicativa, su diseño es correlacional, contando con una población de 30 trabajadores mayores de 18 años y de ambos sexos que laboran en un hospital de Lima, la técnica de recolección de datos ha sido la encuesta y el instrumento de recolección de datos ha sido el cuestionario, en un total de 20 ítems divididas en 4 dimensiones. Resultados: existe una relación positiva moderada entre las dimensiones gestión patrimonial, control patrimonial, etiquetado e inventario de bienes patrimoniales. Conclusiones: se concluye este estudio aportan significativamente al entendimiento del control y la gestión de bienes muebles patrimoniales en hospitales de Lima, resaltando aspectos críticos que influyen en la organización.
The study is of quantitative and qualitative approach (mixed), applied type, descriptive and explanatory, its design is correlational, with a population of 30 workers over 18 years of age and of both sexes who work in a hospital in Lima, the data collection technique has been the survey and the data collection instrument has been the questionnaire, in a total of 20 items divided into 4 dimensions. Results: there is a moderate positive relationship between the dimensions asset management, asset control, labeling and inventory of assets. Conclusions: it is concluded that this study contributes significantly to the understanding of the control and management of patrimonial movable assets in hospitals in Lima, highlighting critical aspects that influence the organization.
The study is of quantitative and qualitative approach (mixed), applied type, descriptive and explanatory, its design is correlational, with a population of 30 workers over 18 years of age and of both sexes who work in a hospital in Lima, the data collection technique has been the survey and the data collection instrument has been the questionnaire, in a total of 20 items divided into 4 dimensions. Results: there is a moderate positive relationship between the dimensions asset management, asset control, labeling and inventory of assets. Conclusions: it is concluded that this study contributes significantly to the understanding of the control and management of patrimonial movable assets in hospitals in Lima, highlighting critical aspects that influence the organization.
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Discipline: Administración de Negocios Internacionales
Grade or title grantor: Universidad María Auxiliadora. Facultad de Ingeniería y Negocios.
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración de Negocios Internacionales
Register date: 3-Mar-2025
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