Citas bibligráficas
Capcha, L., (2014). Evaluación de la macroalga Ulva lactuca como aportante de nutrientes a un inóculo metanogenico en la producción de biogás y biol mediante digestión anaerobia de residuos orgánicos del comedor de la UNALM [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina] [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Capcha, L., Evaluación de la macroalga Ulva lactuca como aportante de nutrientes a un inóculo metanogenico en la producción de biogás y biol mediante digestión anaerobia de residuos orgánicos del comedor de la UNALM [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina] [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2014.
title = "Evaluación de la macroalga Ulva lactuca como aportante de nutrientes a un inóculo metanogenico en la producción de biogás y biol mediante digestión anaerobia de residuos orgánicos del comedor de la UNALM [Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina]",
author = "Capcha Eulogio, Liz Melissa",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2014"
This research entitled "Evaluation of the macroalga Ulva lactuca as contributor of nutrients to a methanogenic inoculum biogas production by anaerobic digestion and biological organic waste from UNALM Diningroom " aims to give an application to the Ulva lactuca, evaluating performance in the production of biogas, and biol, analyzing their interaction with the rumen contents of cows, using for this university dining hall waste as substrate in batch test Biochemical Methane Potential (PBM), performed at laboratory level. To achieve the objectives was conducted a prior treatment, which consisted of 4 mixtures incubated rumen contents and different ratios of Ulva lactuca at 20, 30, 50 and 100% for 15 days. After incubation the test for determining the methanogenic activity was performed (AME), treatment was chosen with the best results of methanogenic activity directly associated with the generation of methane. Finally the method of determining the biochemical test of methane was raised potential, taking into account the chemical characteristics of the raw materials, which on one hand favors the methanogenic activity and the generation of a biofertilizer. Also the use of the waste generated in the UNALM dining was part of this research because data were available from previous studies and was easily accessible. During the first 5 days the more methane is produced as consistently producing biogas from organic waste treatment containing dining as substrate. On the other hand the production of biogas and methane in the blank that is only inoculum, obtained much more constant production until day 3 and ended on day 7. After 17 days, duration of the test for determining the Biochemical Methane Potential (PBM) the effectiveness of the ruminal inoculum based content and Ulva lactuca, reflected in the short hydraulic retention time and the high percentage of reflected methane produced. Since the test was carried out at laboratory scale, the only possible to monitor parameters were: content of methane (CH4) and the content of biogas. The average methane production was 68% in the treatment of organic waste mixing dining with the inoculum from Ulva lactuca and rumen contents. Organic wastes UNALM dining used as substrate generated 1.3 L CH4 / g VS added, In addition methane generation only inoculum without substrate was evaluated resulting 0.1 L CH4 / g VS. Furthermore, the results of microbiological analysis at biol unveiled the presence of Total Coliform and Fecal Coliform. These results presented below the limits given by Peruvian law for water for irrigation, which makes the biol is suitable for use as organic fertilizer. The variation of the physicochemical and biological nutritional content was also evaluated. Finally, it was found that the use of rumen contents and Ulva lactuca as inoculum present good results by anaerobic digestion of organic waste from university dining hall, because good results were obtained in biogas production and biological quality. Therefore the results presented in this study demonstrate the feasibility of using these items using this methodology to generate methane and organic fertilizer from waste that are currently underutilized.
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