Citas bibligráficas
Maza, C., (2022). Mecanismos de defensa en una mujer consultante con historia de violencia de género en un proceso de psicoterapia breve [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Maza, C., Mecanismos de defensa en una mujer consultante con historia de violencia de género en un proceso de psicoterapia breve []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Mecanismos de defensa en una mujer consultante con historia de violencia de género en un proceso de psicoterapia breve",
author = "Maza Rivera, Carol Miluska",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Researchers point out that violence against women that occurs in the context of a couple relationship generates serious consequences for the victim, due to the attempted annulment, submission, control and manipulation exercised by the couple. In addition, they add that this type of violence is related to previous violent experiences that are re experienced in the relationship. In this sense, it has a traumatic impact, since it violates the mental, relational and social spaces. Although clinical psychology and psychoanalysis have been interested in studying psychic destructuring and the resources affected as a result of the trauma generated by violence, there have been some difficulties in dealing with this phenomenon. Among them, the tendency to psychopathologize, the reduction of violence at the level of symptoms, or at the intrapsychic level. Faced with this, defense mechanisms arise unconsciously as part of people's constitutional resources to achieve a better adaptation to circumstances. Thus, defense mechanisms play an important role in coping with violence. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the defense mechanisms that would have helped a consultant in her experiences of intimate partner violence. The results revealed the presence of two groups of defenses. The first showed a greater presence in violent dynamics, while the second was focused on strengthening the introspective and analytical capacities of the person, allowing them to achieve a better elaboration of these experiences in the context of therapy.
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