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Peña, M., Navarro, R. (2023). Plan de negocio transporte aéreo regional, región Loreto, año 2022 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Peña, M., Navarro, R. Plan de negocio transporte aéreo regional, región Loreto, año 2022 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Plan de negocio transporte aéreo regional, región Loreto, año 2022",
author = "Navarro Lao, Ricardo Javier",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Título: Plan de negocio transporte aéreo regional, región Loreto, año 2022
Autor(es): Peña Torres, Mario; Navarro Lao, Ricardo Javier
Asesor(es): Pérez Santillán, Jorge
Palabras clave: Servicio transporte aéreo; Zona fronteriza; Amazonía; Air transport service; Border area; Amazon
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 11-ene-2023
Institución: Universidad Científica del Perú
Resumen: Se estudia la potencialidad del mercado de una cuenca geográfica
del interior del país, frontera entre Perú y Colombia, para el
funcionamiento de un negocio dedicado al servicio de transporte aéreo de
El estudio de mercado señala una importante demanda de tres
segmentos de clientes, quienes buscan satisfacer necesidades de
seguridad y puntualidad en el horario. Hay empresa competidoras y
también del estado, quien realiza vuelos de acción cívica.
El estudio técnico indica la presencia de proveedores en el
mercado nacional, tanto en el aspecto de aeronaves y equipos
especializados para el control.
El estudio organizacional corresponde a la creación de una
estructura pequeña, con puestos de trabajo que realizan diversas
funciones para reducir costos de personal.
El estudio económico y financiero presenta márgenes operativos
pequeños, pero de rápida rotación, lo que genera alta rentabilidad y
The potential of the market of a geographical basin of the interior of the country, border between Peru and Colombia, for the operation of a business dedicated to the air transport service of passengers is studied. The market study points to an important demand from three customer segments, who seek to meet security needs and punctuality in the schedule. There are competing companies and also from the state, which carries out civic action flights. The technical study indicates the presence of suppliers in the domestic market, both in the aspect of aircraft and specialized equipment for control. The organizational study corresponds to the creation of a small structure, with jobs that perform various functions to reduce personnel costs. The technical study indicates the presence of suppliers in the domestic market, both in the aspect of aircraft and specialized equipment for control. The organizational study corresponds to the creation of a small structure, with jobs that perform various functions to reduce personnel costs. The economic and financial study presents small operating margins, but fast turnover, which generates high profitability and liquidity.
The potential of the market of a geographical basin of the interior of the country, border between Peru and Colombia, for the operation of a business dedicated to the air transport service of passengers is studied. The market study points to an important demand from three customer segments, who seek to meet security needs and punctuality in the schedule. There are competing companies and also from the state, which carries out civic action flights. The technical study indicates the presence of suppliers in the domestic market, both in the aspect of aircraft and specialized equipment for control. The organizational study corresponds to the creation of a small structure, with jobs that perform various functions to reduce personnel costs. The technical study indicates the presence of suppliers in the domestic market, both in the aspect of aircraft and specialized equipment for control. The organizational study corresponds to the creation of a small structure, with jobs that perform various functions to reduce personnel costs. The economic and financial study presents small operating margins, but fast turnover, which generates high profitability and liquidity.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Administración de Empresas
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Negocios
Grado o título: Licenciado en Administración de Empresas
Jurado: Calderón Ferreira, Salvador; Cornejo Coa, Raúl Alejandro; Diaz Meléndez, Jacobo
Fecha de registro: 20-feb-2023
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