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Pérez, W., (2023). Troponina como biomarcador diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo en el Hospital III Iquitos EsSalud - 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Pérez, W., Troponina como biomarcador diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo en el Hospital III Iquitos EsSalud - 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Troponina como biomarcador diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo en el Hospital III Iquitos EsSalud - 2021",
author = "Pérez Flores, Will",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Title: Troponina como biomarcador diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo en el Hospital III Iquitos EsSalud - 2021
Authors(s): Pérez Flores, Will
Advisor(s): Ríos Carbajal, José Alejandro
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 16-Feb-2023
Institution: Universidad Científica del Perú
Abstract: El presente estudio estuvo orientado a resolver el siguiente problema de investigación: ¿Cuales son los factores asociados a Troponina como biomarcador diagnóstico de Síndrome Coronario Agudo en el Hospital III Iquitos Essalud - 2021?
El objetivo de Investigación fue: Determinar los factores asociados a Troponina como biomarcador diagnóstico de Síndrome Coronario Agudo en el Hospital III Iquitos Essalud - 2021.
Material y métodos: La presente investigación es de tipo cuantitativo y retrospectivo, con diseño no experimental, descriptivo. Se trabajó con una muestra de 2610 pacientes a quienes se le solicito la Troponina. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó el paquete estadístico de SPSS V.25.
Resultados: La muestra utilizada fue 335 personas con un nivel de confianza del 95% y margen de error al 5%, los resultados de Troponina I > 0.050 ng/ml fue de 228 (68.06%), según diagnóstico el más frecuente fue del Infarto Agudo al Miocardio con 154 (45.97%), de las cuales 100 (29.85%) son de Troponina I > 0.050 ng/ml, según sexo, 203 (60.60%) son del sexo masculino, el rango de edad con mayor frecuencia a quienes se le solitaron la Troponina I fue de 51 - 60 años con 111 (33.13%) y en procedencia con mayor frecuencia fue la zona urbana con 134 (40.0%). Conclusiones: Las pruebas de Troponinas I > 0.050 ng/ml (68.06%), permiten la detección temprana del infarto de miocardio agudo reduciendo el periodo ventana para las valoraciones en serie en las 3 horas siguientes, según el estudio hubo mayor frecuencia en sexo masculino de 51 – 60 años de edad de procedencia urbana.
The present study was oriented to solve the following research problem: What are the factors associated with Troponin as a diagnostic biomarker of Acute Coronary Syndrome at Hospital III Iquitos Essalud - 2021? The research objective was: To determine the factors associated with Troponin as a diagnostic biomarker of Acute Coronary Syndrome at Hospital III Iquitos Essalud - 2021. Material and methods: This research is quantitative and retrospective, with a non-experimental, descriptive design. We worked with a sample of 2,630 post-interview applicants with blood donors. For the analysis of the information, the statistical package of SPSS V.25 was used. Results: The sample used was 335 people with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%, the results of Troponin I > 0.050 ng/ml were 228 (68.06%), according to the diagnosis the most frequent was Acute Infarction at Myocardium with 154 (45.97%), of which 100 (29.85%) are Troponin I > 0.050 ng/ml, according to sex, 203 (60.60%) are male, the age range with the highest frequency to whom it was Those who requested Troponin I were 51 - 60 years old with 111 (33.13%) and the most frequent origin was the urban area with 134 (40.0%). Conclusions: Troponin I tests > 0.050 ng/ml (68.06%) allow early detection of acute myocardial infarction by reducing the window period for serial assessments in the following 3 hours, according to the study there was a higher frequency in males than 51 – 60 years of age from urban origin.
The present study was oriented to solve the following research problem: What are the factors associated with Troponin as a diagnostic biomarker of Acute Coronary Syndrome at Hospital III Iquitos Essalud - 2021? The research objective was: To determine the factors associated with Troponin as a diagnostic biomarker of Acute Coronary Syndrome at Hospital III Iquitos Essalud - 2021. Material and methods: This research is quantitative and retrospective, with a non-experimental, descriptive design. We worked with a sample of 2,630 post-interview applicants with blood donors. For the analysis of the information, the statistical package of SPSS V.25 was used. Results: The sample used was 335 people with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%, the results of Troponin I > 0.050 ng/ml were 228 (68.06%), according to the diagnosis the most frequent was Acute Infarction at Myocardium with 154 (45.97%), of which 100 (29.85%) are Troponin I > 0.050 ng/ml, according to sex, 203 (60.60%) are male, the age range with the highest frequency to whom it was Those who requested Troponin I were 51 - 60 years old with 111 (33.13%) and the most frequent origin was the urban area with 134 (40.0%). Conclusions: Troponin I tests > 0.050 ng/ml (68.06%) allow early detection of acute myocardial infarction by reducing the window period for serial assessments in the following 3 hours, according to the study there was a higher frequency in males than 51 – 60 years of age from urban origin.
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Discipline: Laboratorio Clínico y Anatomía Patológica
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Licenciado en Tecnología Médica. Especialidad: Laboratorio Clínico y Anatomía Patológica
Juror: Zamudio Zelada, Jaime; Cochaches de la Cruz, Jhon; Zevillanos Zamora, Jack
Register date: 16-Mar-2023
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