Bibliographic citations
Castro, H., Velásquez, D. (2022). Optimización de tiempo para la puesta en servicio de la pavimentación de Bretaña utilizando arena de playa del rio Puinahua con aditivo chema 3 acelerante – provincia de Requena, 2022 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Castro, H., Velásquez, D. Optimización de tiempo para la puesta en servicio de la pavimentación de Bretaña utilizando arena de playa del rio Puinahua con aditivo chema 3 acelerante – provincia de Requena, 2022 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Optimización de tiempo para la puesta en servicio de la pavimentación de Bretaña utilizando arena de playa del rio Puinahua con aditivo chema 3 acelerante – provincia de Requena, 2022",
author = "Velásquez Panduro, Daniel",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The research shown in this document presents data from a rigid pavement project, in a stage to be executed, in which it is sought to optimize the commissioning time. For its construction, beach sand from the Puinahua River is being used, with an accelerating chema 3 additive, in the Province of Requena, 2022. Therefore, the evaluation focused on determining the resistance of the cement-sand concrete, obtaining a base of beach sand from the Puinahua River with an accelerating chema 3 additive. Record the time in which resistances were obtained with values equal to or greater than f'c = 210 kg/cm2 and determine the characteristics of the cement-sand concrete, with the accelerating chema 3 additive. To achieve the objectives of comparing a sample without additive and a sample with additive. The results for specimens (test tubes) made according to the conventional mortar mix design show an average resistance of f'c=154 kg/cm2, at 7 days of age, which represents 73.33%. Regarding the resistance obtained in cement-sand concrete, with chema 3-accelerator additive, the compression tests of specimens (test tubes) showed maximum resistance at 7 days of age, an average of f'c=214 kg/cm2, with a percentage of 101.90%. Allowing to conclude that with the incorporation of the accelerating additive Chema 3, in the conventional mixture design (cement, fine aggregate, and water), using beach sand from the Puinahua river, at 7 days of age the required resistance is obtained, a result that He was able to analyze and optimize the time for commissioning the paving in the town of Brittany, Puinahua district, Requena province, Loreto region. The research shown in this document presents data from a rigid pavement project, in a stage to be executed, in which it is sought to optimize the commissioning time. For its construction, beach sand from the Puinahua River is being used, with an accelerating chema 3 additive, in the Province of Requena, 2022. Therefore, the evaluation focused on determining the resistance of the cement-sand concrete, obtaining a base of beach sand from the Puinahua River with an accelerating chema 3 additive. Record the time in which resistances were obtained with values equal to or greater than f'c = 210 kg/cm2 and determine the characteristics of the cement-sand concrete, with the accelerating chema 3 additive. To achieve the objectives of comparing a sample without additive and a sample with additive. The results for specimens (test tubes) made according to the conventional mortar mix design show an average resistance of f'c=154 kg/cm2, at 7 days of age, which represents 73.33%. Regarding the resistance obtained in cement-sand concrete, with chema 3-accelerator additive, the compression tests of specimens (test tubes) showed maximum resistance at 7 days of age, an average of f'c=214 kg/cm2, with a percentage of 101.90%. Allowing to conclude that with the incorporation of the accelerating additive Chema 3, in the conventional mixture design (cement, fine aggregate, and water), using beach sand from the Puinahua river, at 7 days of age the required resistance is obtained, a result that He was able to analyze and optimize the time for commissioning the paving in the town of Brittany, Puinahua district, Requena province, Loreto region.
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