Citas bibligráficas
Cruz, C., Alvarado, D. (2022). Diseño de estructuras de protección frente a inundaciones en la margen derecha del río Chumanza, localidad nuevo Jaén, distrito Campanilla, provincia Mariscal Cáceres, región San Martín - año 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Cruz, C., Alvarado, D. Diseño de estructuras de protección frente a inundaciones en la margen derecha del río Chumanza, localidad nuevo Jaén, distrito Campanilla, provincia Mariscal Cáceres, región San Martín - año 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Diseño de estructuras de protección frente a inundaciones en la margen derecha del río Chumanza, localidad nuevo Jaén, distrito Campanilla, provincia Mariscal Cáceres, región San Martín - año 2021",
author = "Alvarado Calle, Deywis Yosdany",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
This thesis entitled '' Design of Protection Works against Floods on the Right Bank of the Chumanza River, Nuevo Jaén locality, Campanilla District, Mariscal Cáceres Province, San Martin Region '' has been developed in order to have the studies available basic engineering, which will be based on the application of the theories of Topography in engineering, Soil Mechanics, River Hydraulics and Surface Hydrology. The results of the basic studies have been necessary to define the Hydraulic approach of the project, which has facilitated the definition of the design of flood protection works on the right bank of the Chumanza River. It will also make it possible to contribute to the District Municipality of Campanilla in the preparation of the Profile and subsequently the technical file of the Project and once the project is executed it will contribute to improving the quality of life of said population. For the development of the proposed design of the flood protection works, bibliographic research and linkographies were carried out as a first step, which has allowed us to know concepts, design procedures and formulas related to the subject. As a second step, the field research was carried out, developing the collection of topographic information, sampling for soil mechanics studies and historical information from hydrological studies of maximum rainfall in 24 hours to calculate the design avenue, later it was complemented with the procedure in the office. As a third step, the hydrological and hydraulic parameters of the Chumanza river basin were determined, such as area, perimeter, form factor, compactness index, channel length, etc. As a fourth step, the hydrological study of maximum floods is carried out, based on the pluviometric information from the CO Campanilla station provided by SENAMHI, with which and through the application of the N Curve Number Method, the flow of design. Then, the river hydraulics parameters were determined, such as the average slope of the channel, the stable width of the channel, the roughness of the xx channel, the depth of the design avenue, water velocity, and scour depth. Finally, the design of protection works for flood prevention was carried out.
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