Citas bibligráficas
Noriega, G., Garcia, Y. (2022). Importancia de la estimulación temprana realizada en neonatos pretermino del servicio de neonatología del hospital regional de Loreto, durante el año 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Noriega, G., Garcia, Y. Importancia de la estimulación temprana realizada en neonatos pretermino del servicio de neonatología del hospital regional de Loreto, durante el año 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Importancia de la estimulación temprana realizada en neonatos pretermino del servicio de neonatología del hospital regional de Loreto, durante el año 2020",
author = "Garcia Ahuanari, Yara Zoiny",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
¨Importance of Early Stimulation carried out in preterm infants of the neonatology service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto, during the year 2020¨ theme that had as a general objective Determine the importance of the application of early stimulation in preterm infants in the Neonatology Service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto, during the year 2020. As specific objectives Establish the registry of live preterm neonates hospitalized in the neonatal service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto during the year 2020 who required early stimulation, Determine the degree of prematurity in newborns premature infants of the HRL during the year 2020, Detail the effects of early stimulation in preterm infants, Identify the benefits of early stimulation in preterm infants of the HRL, Determine the degree of maternal knowledge about early stimulation in infants, Identify existing changes in the weight before application tion of early and post stimulation. We worked with a population of 50 premature newborns, it has a qualitative approach, the method of data collection was through a survey directed to the mothers of the premature, the direct observation of the newborns and the physical examination of each one of them. the same. The results of the investigation determined that: 86.6% of the neonates to whom early stimulation was applied obtained VERY GOOD results, avoiding deformities, formation of bedsores, poor posture and improving suction-swallowing reflexes, obtaining as results that the Stimulation does influence and help the early recovery, development and neuronal maturation and of the premature neonates of the neonatology service of the Regional Hospital of Loreto.
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