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Melendez, E., Ramirez, R. (2020). Estudio del comercio exterior del camu camu, enfoque desde Loreto, período 2014 - 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Melendez, E., Ramirez, R. Estudio del comercio exterior del camu camu, enfoque desde Loreto, período 2014 - 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Estudio del comercio exterior del camu camu, enfoque desde Loreto, período 2014 - 2018",
author = "Ramirez Lozano, Ramiro Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2020"
Title: Estudio del comercio exterior del camu camu, enfoque desde Loreto, período 2014 - 2018
Advisor(s): Reátegui Meza, Marco Antonio
Keywords: Comercio exterior; Camu camu; Exportación; Perú; Foreign trade; Camu camu; Export; Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 12-Sep-2020
Institution: Universidad Científica del Perú
Abstract: El problema de investigación surge para determinar ¿Cuál es el
comportamiento del mercado mundial del camu camu y la posición del Perú
en el mercado del comercio exterior durante el período 2014-2018?. El
estudio fue de tipo descriptiva, no experimental; en la que se recabó la
información de los movimientos comerciales de exportación.
En lo que concierne al desarrollo del mercado internacional, éste ha
demostrado ser favorable para las exportaciones de los frutos cítricos,
mueve alrededor de 2 mil millones de dólares anuales. Con respecto al
comercio exterior del camu camu, se pudo determinar que éste producto
ocupa el quinto lugar en comercialización en el rubro de frutos y jugos
cítricos, muy por debajo de ventas como del jugo de maracuyá que
representa alrededor de 41.403 millones de dólares anuales (promedio de
los años 2014-2018). El camu camu apenas tiene un ingreso promedio
anual de 55,800 dólares.
La exportación del camu camu en el Perú, se muestra de una manera
decreciente; el 2017, su precio por kg en el mercado internacional fue de
US$ 18/kg, frente a los US$ 2.98/kg de la maracuyá, lo que evidencia una
desventaja frente a los demás productos de frutos cítricos.
The problem arises to determine what is the behavior of the world market for camu camu and the position of Peru in the foreign trade market during the period 2014-2018 ?. The research was descriptive, not experimental; in which information was collected on the commercial movements of the export of camu camu in a period of four years. Regarding the development of the international market, it has proven to be favorable for citrus fruit exports, moving around 2 billion dollars annually. Regarding the foreign trade of camu camu, it was determined that this product ranks fifth in commercialization in the area of citrus fruits and juices, well below sales such as passion fruit juice, which represents around 41,403 million dollars annually (average of the years 2014-2018). The camu camu barely has an average annual income of $ 55,800. The export of camu camu in Peru, shows in a decreasing way; In 2017, its price per kg in the international market was US $ 18 / kg, compared to US $ 2.98 / kg for passion fruit, which shows a disadvantage compared to other citrus fruit products.
The problem arises to determine what is the behavior of the world market for camu camu and the position of Peru in the foreign trade market during the period 2014-2018 ?. The research was descriptive, not experimental; in which information was collected on the commercial movements of the export of camu camu in a period of four years. Regarding the development of the international market, it has proven to be favorable for citrus fruit exports, moving around 2 billion dollars annually. Regarding the foreign trade of camu camu, it was determined that this product ranks fifth in commercialization in the area of citrus fruits and juices, well below sales such as passion fruit juice, which represents around 41,403 million dollars annually (average of the years 2014-2018). The camu camu barely has an average annual income of $ 55,800. The export of camu camu in Peru, shows in a decreasing way; In 2017, its price per kg in the international market was US $ 18 / kg, compared to US $ 2.98 / kg for passion fruit, which shows a disadvantage compared to other citrus fruit products.
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Discipline: Administración de empresas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración de Empresas
Juror: Pérez Santillán, Jorge; Armas Gutiérrez, Orlando Oswaldo; Lazo Jiménez, Juan Pablo
Register date: 29-Nov-2020
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License