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Mavila, P., (2018). Hotel campestre turístico “Altavista” en la carretera Iquitos – Nauta (km 59), Loreto. [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Mavila, P., Hotel campestre turístico “Altavista” en la carretera Iquitos – Nauta (km 59), Loreto. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2018.
title = "Hotel campestre turístico “Altavista” en la carretera Iquitos – Nauta (km 59), Loreto.",
author = "Mavila Pérez, Pierina Francesca",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2018"
Título: Hotel campestre turístico “Altavista” en la carretera Iquitos – Nauta (km 59), Loreto.
Autor(es): Mavila Pérez, Pierina Francesca
Asesor(es): Guerola Olaguibel, Bertha Renée
Palabras clave: Recreación; Turismo; Identidad cultural; Icono rural; Iquitos; Cultural identity; Recreation; Tourism; rural icon; Iquitos
Campo OCDE:
Fecha de publicación: 31-oct-2018
Institución: Universidad Científica del Perú
Resumen: La presente tesis consiste en el diseño proyectual de una tipología arquitectónica, a partir de la identificación de un problema humano, que será resuelto con una edificación, que ofrezca una respuesta pertinente a las solicitaciones sociales, culturales y económicas vinculadas a la tipología, utilizando los recursos formales, espaciales, funcionales, paisajísticos y lúdicos
Se determina que la tesis comprende dos aspectos importantes para la ciudad de Iquitos, lo Recreativo (activo y pasivo), como principal actividad a desarrollarse y lo Turístico como servicio para ofertar y promover características propias de nuestra ciudad a los distintos visitantes, ambos aspectos representan un gran potencial en dimensión de oportunidades para el desarrollo socio-cultural y económico de la ciudad.
La tesis propone una infraestructura lúdica, afable con el ambiente, y de acompañamiento al usuario, para dar respuesta a la tipología de centro hotelero integrado con servicios recreativos y turísticos; en principio porque está localizado dentro de un ámbito rural, con fuertes compromisos naturales (como lo establece el terreno dentro de campo), donde el grado de dificultad lo determinara la integración física y espacial con el medio natural.
La propuesta del diseño brinda una diversidad de servicios y ofertas recreativas – turísticas, así mismo éste diseño se desarrolla en 2 grandes zonas; una corresponde a zona de alojamiento, dentro de ésta zona comprende 2 tipos de oferta: la primera sobre la basa de habitaciones a nivel de la relieve del suelo y la segunda enclavada en los árboles; y la otra corresponde a zona de recreación, implementando 4 recorridos que permite variedad al visitante, como: Recorrido Ecuestre (caballo), Recorrido Pedestre (pie), Recorrido Lacustre (canoa) y Recorrido Aéreo (telesilla); además crea atractivos naturales con elementos propios del terreno como: la topografía y el agua (recursos de diseño), cabe mencionar la importancia de un acceso directo basado únicamente para la distribución de servicios. El proceso de diseño del Hotel Campestre Turístico “Altavista” será fortalecido y planteado bajo los criterios técnicos normativos citados para una mejor orientación, con la finalidad de satisfacer las necesidades de los diferentes perfiles de usuarios, mediante una buena infraestructura, con una solución arquitectónica que incluirá materiales de la zona combinado con materiales tecnológicos, en un resultado equilibrado e innovador que impacte positivamente en el visitante y que estén en armonía con el entorno natural, logrando un valor agregado frente a las expectativas que comúnmente son ofrecidas a los visitantes locales, nacionales e internacionales.
The present thesis consists of the project design of a typology architectural, based on the identification of a human problem, which will be resolved with a building, which offers a pertinent response to the social, cultural and economic requests linked to the typology, using formal, spatial, functional, landscape and recreational resources It is determined that the thesis includes two important aspects for the city of Iquitos, Recreation (active and passive), as the main activity to be developed and Tourism as a service to offer and promote characteristics of our city to the different visitors, both aspects represent a great potential in dimension of opportunities for socio-cultural development and economic of the city. The thesis proposes a recreational infrastructure, friendly to the environment, and user support, to respond to the typology of hotel center integrated with recreational and tourist services; in principle because it is located within a rural area, with strong natural commitments (such as established by the terrain within the field), where the degree of difficulty is determined will determine the physical and spatial integration with the natural environment. The design proposal provides a diversity of services and recreational offerings – tourist, likewise this design is developed in 2 large areas; a corresponds to the accommodation area, within this area it includes 2 types of offer: the first based on rooms at the level of the relief of the ground and the second nestled in the trees; and the other corresponds to a recreation area, implementing 4 routes that allow variety to the visitor, such as: Route Equestrian (horse), Pedestrian Tour (foot), Lake Tour (canoe) and Aerial Tour (chairlift); It also creates natural attractions with elements characteristics of the terrain such as: topography and water (design resources), it is posible mention the importance of a direct access based solely for the distribution of services. The design process of the Tourist Campestre Hotel “Altavista” will be strengthened and raised under the aforementioned regulatory technical criteria for better orientation, in order to satisfy the needs of the different user profiles, through a good infrastructure, with a architectural solution that will include local materials combined with technological materials, in a balanced and innovative result that impacts positively on the visitor and that are in harmony with the natural environment, achieving added value against the expectations that are commonly offered to local, national and international visitors.
The present thesis consists of the project design of a typology architectural, based on the identification of a human problem, which will be resolved with a building, which offers a pertinent response to the social, cultural and economic requests linked to the typology, using formal, spatial, functional, landscape and recreational resources It is determined that the thesis includes two important aspects for the city of Iquitos, Recreation (active and passive), as the main activity to be developed and Tourism as a service to offer and promote characteristics of our city to the different visitors, both aspects represent a great potential in dimension of opportunities for socio-cultural development and economic of the city. The thesis proposes a recreational infrastructure, friendly to the environment, and user support, to respond to the typology of hotel center integrated with recreational and tourist services; in principle because it is located within a rural area, with strong natural commitments (such as established by the terrain within the field), where the degree of difficulty is determined will determine the physical and spatial integration with the natural environment. The design proposal provides a diversity of services and recreational offerings – tourist, likewise this design is developed in 2 large areas; a corresponds to the accommodation area, within this area it includes 2 types of offer: the first based on rooms at the level of the relief of the ground and the second nestled in the trees; and the other corresponds to a recreation area, implementing 4 routes that allow variety to the visitor, such as: Route Equestrian (horse), Pedestrian Tour (foot), Lake Tour (canoe) and Aerial Tour (chairlift); It also creates natural attractions with elements characteristics of the terrain such as: topography and water (design resources), it is posible mention the importance of a direct access based solely for the distribution of services. The design process of the Tourist Campestre Hotel “Altavista” will be strengthened and raised under the aforementioned regulatory technical criteria for better orientation, in order to satisfy the needs of the different user profiles, through a good infrastructure, with a architectural solution that will include local materials combined with technological materials, in a balanced and innovative result that impacts positively on the visitor and that are in harmony with the natural environment, achieving added value against the expectations that are commonly offered to local, national and international visitors.
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Disciplina académico-profesional: Arquitectura
Institución que otorga el grado o título: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Grado o título: Arquitecto
Jurado: Tapullima Flores, Jorge Luis; Bedoya Castillo, Filomena; Huofu Ho Yesang, Victor
Fecha de registro: 6-mar-2019
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