Bibliographic citations
Castro, M., Rivera, J. (2024). Propuesta de procedimiento de flujo de trabajo en la partida de asentamiento de ladrillo en muros utilizando Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Caso de estudio: Proyecto de vivienda multifamiliar en Lima [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Castro, M., Rivera, J. Propuesta de procedimiento de flujo de trabajo en la partida de asentamiento de ladrillo en muros utilizando Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Caso de estudio: Proyecto de vivienda multifamiliar en Lima [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Propuesta de procedimiento de flujo de trabajo en la partida de asentamiento de ladrillo en muros utilizando Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Caso de estudio: Proyecto de vivienda multifamiliar en Lima",
author = "Rivera Choy, Juan Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
In this research work, the brick laying batch of partition walls in a multifamily building project was evaluated through the Value Stream Mapping tool, which had problems with the progress of the same batch; this in order to look for methods of improvement. This was carried out through a field study where the types of work carried out on site were recorded. From the data obtained on site, the mapping of the activities was carried out in order to identify the current panorama of the work and identify its deficiencies in its work train. Based on this, a design is proposed where optimizations are applied. in the process to improve the flow in said item. Based on the proposal presented to the work, the workers' performance improved, and the rate of contributory and non-contributory work was reduced. Likewise, with the new redesign of the settling process, the execution time on site was increased, reducing the times for hauling material and previous work.
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