Citas bibligráficas
Gutierrez, L., Vega, L. (2024). Plan de Marketing para la expansión de la Institución Educativa Privada Magíster [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Gutierrez, L., Vega, L. Plan de Marketing para la expansión de la Institución Educativa Privada Magíster [Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Plan de Marketing para la expansión de la Institución Educativa Privada Magíster",
author = "Vega Solano, Lourdes Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The present investigation has the purpose to analyse the marketing plan to expand the ‘Institucion Educativa Particular Magister’, with the aim to achieve a higher number of students registration for the year 2025. ‘Magister’ opens thirty years ago following the dream of being a recognised institution in the Southern area of Lima, currently representing the Villa Maria del Triunfo district. It has an almost 1500 students capacity divided in the different levels of education as, Early Years, Primary and Secondary, which is highly relevant for the large quantity of current competitors in the education field. In the First Chapter, we present the preliminary and market analysis, the different results we obtain from the situational and diagnose analysis indicates that Magister represents a present organisation in the market, perceived as a company that generates brand value with their customers and users (students). In the Second Chapter, we find how to integrate the marketing plan of the ‘Institucion Educativa Magister’, for that we implement: segmentation, target market, the 4Ps in marketing, inter alia. In the Third Chapter, we perform the Economic Project Evaluation, where we can detail the unitary and fixed costs per year, establishing estimations for the investment that will be made in equipment and infrastructure. With that, we generate 5-year estimation for the investment where we reach to a conclusion towards our project.
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