Bibliographic citations
Castillo, C., (2023). Storytelling del “héroe anónimo”: Publicidad y donación de órganos.
Caso: “Historias que salvan vidas” [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Castillo, C., Storytelling del “héroe anónimo”: Publicidad y donación de órganos.
Caso: “Historias que salvan vidas” [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Storytelling del “héroe anónimo”: Publicidad y donación de órganos.
Caso: “Historias que salvan vidas”",
author = "Castillo Mendoza, Carla Maria",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
In Latin America, the increase in the organ donor rate has been hindered due to a lack of financial resources and deficiencies in the education system. The main objective is to identify the roles of storytelling in the construction of the identity of what we have termed the 'anonymous hero' in social advertising on organ donation in the 'Stories that Save Lives' campaign. The methodology used takes a qualitative approach, involving 16 semi-structured in-depth interviews with men and women aged 22 to 30 who are willing to be organ donors. This campaign shows us how the roles of storytelling influence the communication and motivation of individuals to take action and become organ donors. The key findings demonstrate that storytelling elements, strategies, and roles are employed in constructing the identity of the anonymous hero, as they motivate individuals to become organ donors by creating emotionally impactful narratives and providing inspiring examples.
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