Bibliographic citations
Gallardo, D., Rojas, R. (2023). Propuesta de adaptación y rediseño de viviendas rurales del PNVR utilizando el sistema constructivo de panel sándwich de poliestireno y concreto reforzado con colectores solares integrados para mejorar construcciones inadecuadas de adobe en Puno [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Gallardo, D., Rojas, R. Propuesta de adaptación y rediseño de viviendas rurales del PNVR utilizando el sistema constructivo de panel sándwich de poliestireno y concreto reforzado con colectores solares integrados para mejorar construcciones inadecuadas de adobe en Puno [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2023.
title = "Propuesta de adaptación y rediseño de viviendas rurales del PNVR utilizando el sistema constructivo de panel sándwich de poliestireno y concreto reforzado con colectores solares integrados para mejorar construcciones inadecuadas de adobe en Puno",
author = "Rojas Benites, Ricardo Arturo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2023"
The present study focuses on the thermal analysis and other comfort related aspects of modules constructed with adobe and EPS sandwich panels and reinforced concrete system, in accordance with the schematics presented by the National Rural Housing Program. The main objective of the study is to demonstrate the potential of better thermal performance against the “heladas & friaje” and interior comfort in rural housing in Puno by using the EPS Sandwich Panels system rather than adobe-based constructions currently employed by the NRHP. First, to accomplish this, the NRHP schematics were repurposed and redesigned via AutoCAD to use EPS panels instead of adobe, resulting in a significant increase in effective area. Furthermore, compiled data regarding efficiency rates and average construction time was used to elaborate construction schedules for EPS panels adobe-based housing. Thus, the schedule showed the average construction time for both systems. EPS panel-based constructions take around 22 days while adobe-based ones take 68 days. In addition, empirical testing and software assisted analysis was executed to determine the thermal isolation capabilities of the construction systems. As a result, it was found that EPS panels used in walls help maintaining optimal indoor temperatures. At last, solar collectors were implemented in the new model for housing, to provide hot water in all instances of rural housing. To conclude, using EPS sandwich panels in rural housing constructions accomplishes thermal comfort indoors, keeps the inhabitants warm despite the cold temperatures outside and increases the effective indoor space.
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