Bibliographic citations
Aguilar, K., Ramos, H. (2022). Asociación entre consumir alcohol y tabaco con la realización de un chequeo preventivo de cáncer oral en personas adultos de los Estados Unidos [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Aguilar, K., Ramos, H. Asociación entre consumir alcohol y tabaco con la realización de un chequeo preventivo de cáncer oral en personas adultos de los Estados Unidos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2022.
title = "Asociación entre consumir alcohol y tabaco con la realización de un chequeo preventivo de cáncer oral en personas adultos de los Estados Unidos",
author = "Ramos Sanchez , Hiajaira Nashla",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2022"
Objective: To assess the association between alcohol and tobacco use with preventive oral cancer screening in adults in the United States in the period 2015-2016. Materials and methods: Observational, retrospective, analytical and cross-sectional study. Adult participants from the non-institutionalized civilian resident population of the United States from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2015-2016) were included. The variables preventive check-up for oral cancer, alcohol consumption, tobacco consumption, among others, were evaluated. For descriptive statistics, absolute and relative frequencies were measured, while the Chi-Square test was used for comparison with co-variables. Likewise, for the association between preventive oral cancer screening with alcohol and tobacco consumption, Poisson regression with robust variance was used through two models, crude and adjusted with covariates, reporting prevalence ratios and CI at 95%. Results: The study showed, according to the adjusted model, that there is a statistically significant association between preventive oral cancer screening and tobacco use, showing that people who use tobacco are more likely to visit a health facility (PR 1.10 - CI at 95 %.) with those who do not consume. However, no association was found between preventive oral cancer screening and alcohol consumption (OR 0.91-95% CI). Conclusions: A statistically significant association with tobacco consumption was only found with oral cancer preventive check-up, which suggests carrying out promotion policies in primary care health centers.
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