Bibliographic citations
Carbonell, E., García, S. (2020). Calibración de la función BPR en vías colectoras de Lima Metropolitana, basada en el caso de la avenida San Luis [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Carbonell, E., García, S. Calibración de la función BPR en vías colectoras de Lima Metropolitana, basada en el caso de la avenida San Luis [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2020.
title = "Calibración de la función BPR en vías colectoras de Lima Metropolitana, basada en el caso de la avenida San Luis",
author = "García Vicente, Sergio Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2020"
In order to take decisions about alternatives to reduce the congestion’s negative effects, transport must be planified. Planification requires, according to the classic approach, the four-model transport sequential set to take the pertinent decisions. The fourth and last model corresponds to the traffic allocation, that requires the BPR function. The BPR function (Bureau of Public Roads) estimates the travel time (Tf) regarding the transport’s flow (V), the capacity (C), the travel time in free flow (to) and the parameters (α y β), that reflect the performance of the road infraestructure. In the city of Lima, as in others Latinamerican cities, it is common to use standarised values of α and β in BPR function. That means that those values are not adjusted to the city’s current conditions. On that basis, uncertainty arises on the function of the data output (travel time) and also on the efficiency of the decisions taken to diminish the traffic congestion. The main approach of this investigation is to calibrate the BPR function, that means, to estimate the functions of α y β, and, because of it, ensure that this function represents the traffic behavoir in the city of Lima in a reliable way, specifically in the collector road: San Luis Avenue. The methodology is developed in three stages: gathering of information, determination of the parameters and analysis of the results. As a result of the calibration, the values obtained are α=2.22 and β=1.19, and it is demonstraded that the calibrated functions represent in a reliable way the travel times observed in the studied avenue. However, the use of standarised values is not the best one for such representation, and, on the contrary, it shows significative errors.
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