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Diaz, A., Domínguez, A., Marcos, A., Quispe, B., Peña, C. (2019). Proyecto Hotmar [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Diaz, A., Domínguez, A., Marcos, A., Quispe, B., Peña, C. Proyecto Hotmar [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Proyecto Hotmar",
author = "Peña Acuña, Carolina Keyko",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Title: Proyecto Hotmar
Authors(s): Diaz Villanueva, Alexandra Antonet; Domínguez Velarde, Alicia del Carmen; Marcos Candela, Alexis Steven; Quispe Toledo, Brighitte Brisset; Peña Acuña, Carolina Keyko
Advisor(s): Arteaga Cueva, Javier Alcides
Keywords: Deportistas; Comida saludable; Proteínas; Athletes; Healthy food; Protein
Issue Date: 18-Nov-2019
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El presente proyecto de negocio es una salchicha saludable a base de pota, la cual está dirigido a jóvenes deportistas que busquen cuidar su alimentación. Se evidenció que las características que presenta el producto, tales como la practicidad y su alto valor proteico es uno de los aspectos que influyen en la adquisición. Asimismo, se identificó que nuestro público objetivo trabaja o estudia, por lo cual al contar con un producto listo para comer y con vitaminas se identificó que es una de las principales razones por la cual adquirió nuestro producto.
Para realizar este proyecto se efectuó un análisis de la industria de embutidos, en la cual se identificó que las salchichas son un producto altamente demandado por los clientes. Además de ello, se efectuó un análisis de los nuestros principales competidores, posibles consumidores y proveedores. Cabe añadir que también se desarrolló los diversos planes, tales como: Plan de Marketing, Plan de Operaciones, Plan Estratégico, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan Financiero y Plan de Responsabilidad Social con la finalidad de identificar los gastos y costos a incurrir para el desarrollo de este proyecto. Como consecuencia de ello, se obtuvo que al efectuar una inversión inicial de S/.18 560, en el primer año se obtiene S/. -11 222.17 de pérdida neta. Para el segundo año se obtiene una ganancia neta de S/. 12 496.03 y para el tercer año S/. 46 516.83. Es por ello, que se puede concluir que el proyecto es atractivo para los inversionistas y es rentable.
The present business is a healthy sausage made of pota, which is aimed at young athletes looking to take care of their diet. The characteristics of the product, stories such as practice and its high protective value are evidenced as one of the aspects that influence the purchase decision. Likewise, it was identified that our target audience works or studies, so by having a product ready to eat and with vitamins it was identified that it is one of the main reasons for which it acquired our product. To carry out this project, and analysis of the sausage industry was carried out, in which sausages were identified as a product highly demanded by customers. In addition, an analysis of the main competitors, potential consumers and suppliers was carried out. It should be added that there are also the various plans, such as: Marketing Plan, Operations Plan, Strategic Plan, Human Resources Plan, Financial Plan and Social Responsibility Plan with the determination to identify the expenses and costs incurred for development from this project. As a result, it was obtained that when requesting an initial investment of S/.18 560 in the first year you get S/. -11 222.17 of the nest loss. For the second year, a net profit of S/. 12 496.03 and the third year S/. 46 516.82. That is why it can be concluded that the project is attractive to investors and is profitable.
The present business is a healthy sausage made of pota, which is aimed at young athletes looking to take care of their diet. The characteristics of the product, stories such as practice and its high protective value are evidenced as one of the aspects that influence the purchase decision. Likewise, it was identified that our target audience works or studies, so by having a product ready to eat and with vitamins it was identified that it is one of the main reasons for which it acquired our product. To carry out this project, and analysis of the sausage industry was carried out, in which sausages were identified as a product highly demanded by customers. In addition, an analysis of the main competitors, potential consumers and suppliers was carried out. It should be added that there are also the various plans, such as: Marketing Plan, Operations Plan, Strategic Plan, Human Resources Plan, Financial Plan and Social Responsibility Plan with the determination to identify the expenses and costs incurred for development from this project. As a result, it was obtained that when requesting an initial investment of S/.18 560 in the first year you get S/. -11 222.17 of the nest loss. For the second year, a net profit of S/. 12 496.03 and the third year S/. 46 516.82. That is why it can be concluded that the project is attractive to investors and is profitable.
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Discipline: Contabilidad y Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Bachiller en Contabiliudad y Administración
Register date: 6-Jul-2020
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