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Araujo, J., (2019). Escuela de artes vivas Quinta Heeren [Tesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Araujo, J., Escuela de artes vivas Quinta Heeren [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2019.
title = "Escuela de artes vivas Quinta Heeren",
author = "Araujo Mendizabal, Julián",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2019"
Title: Escuela de artes vivas Quinta Heeren
Authors(s): Araujo Mendizabal, Julián
Advisor(s): Burga Bartra, Jorge Luis
Keywords: Escuelas de arte; Edificios educativos; Proyectos arquitectónicos; Diseño arquitectónico; Arquitectura; Barrios Altos (Lima, Perú : Distrito)
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2019
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Abstract: El proyecto a desarollar es una Escuela de Artes Vivas en la Quinta Heeren / Barrios Altos. Artes Vivas, el nombre que se le da al proyecto, son todas las manifestaciones del denominado mundo del espectáculo que están ligadas a la puesta en escena, disciplinas como el teatro, la danza y la música. Artes Vivas estará emplazada en los espacios libres dentro de la Quinta Heeren, es decir, aquellos donde estuvo emplazada la primera cancha de tenis de brea del Perú; uno de los primeros Zoológicos privados que tuvo Lima a inicios de siglo 20; además de una caballeriza y una pista de equitación; y el ex huerto del convento de las Mercedarias. Este espacio comprende un total de 17,621.70 m2. El diseño del proyecto se basa en la estructura que tiene una escuela de artes escénicas y la composición de las quintas o viviendas de vecindad en planta como en elevación. Los espacios interiores son concebidos de manera que resulten adecuados para la práctica y ensayo de los artistas. En la medida en que esta escuela no es pensada como una escuela a puertas cerradas, posee espacios en los cuales personas ajenas a ésta podrán disfrutar de los ensayos de los estudiantes sin producir interrupción en estos. No obstante, existen lugares en los cuales se podrá generar la interacción con el público exógeno a la escuela. Lo que se quiere lograr con esta escuela, en primer lugar, es cubrir la demanda de falta de instituciones adecuadas para la enseñanza superior y acreditada en lima. En segundo lugar, se trata de generar un nuevo espacio cultural en Barrios Altos, expandiendo el circuito cultural de lima, y, de este modo, continuar cultivando el arte y el crecimiento exponencioal que se viene dando en los últimos años. Como Gehl ha subrayado, en cuanto las condiciones del espacio urbano son adecuadas la utilzación del espacio por parte de las personas es por un tiempo mayor al mismo tiempo que el que las personas se muevan e interactúen en este espacio cera atmósferas más seguras (Gehl, 2014). Este espacio contrarrestará la sensación de inseguridad del sector atrayendo al público, contribuyendo, así, a la restauración urbana del sector.
The project to develop is a School of Live Arts in the Quinta Heeren / Barrios Altos. Artes Vivas, the name given to the project, are all the manifestations of the so-called world of entertainment that are linked to the staging, disciplines such as theater, dance and music. Artes Vivas will be located in the open spaces within the Quinta Heeren, that is, those where the first pitch tennis court in Peru was located; one of the first private Zoos that Lima had at the beginning of the 20th century; in addition to a riding stable and an equestrian trail; and the former orchard of the convent of the Mercedarias. This space comprises a total of 17,621.70 m2. The design of the project is based on the structure that has a school of performing arts and the composition of the fifths or neighborhood dwellings in plant as in elevation. The interior spaces are conceived in such a way that they are suitable for the practice and trial of the artists. To the extent that this school is not thought of as a school behind closed doors, it has spaces in which people outside it can enjoy student essays without interrupting them. However, there are places where interaction with the exogenous public can be generated at the school. What you want to achieve with this school, first of all, is to cover the demand for lack of adequate institutions for higher education and accredited in Lima. Secondly, it is about generating a new cultural space in Barrios Altos, expanding the cultural circuit of Lima, and, in this way, continuing to cultivate the art and the exponential growth that has been taking place in recent years. As Gehl has stressed, as soon as the conditions of the urban space are adequate, the use of space by people is for a longer time at the same time that people move and interact in this space wax safer atmospheres (Gehl, 2014). This space will counteract the feeling of insecurity in the sector by attracting the public, thus contributing to the urban restoration of the sector.
The project to develop is a School of Live Arts in the Quinta Heeren / Barrios Altos. Artes Vivas, the name given to the project, are all the manifestations of the so-called world of entertainment that are linked to the staging, disciplines such as theater, dance and music. Artes Vivas will be located in the open spaces within the Quinta Heeren, that is, those where the first pitch tennis court in Peru was located; one of the first private Zoos that Lima had at the beginning of the 20th century; in addition to a riding stable and an equestrian trail; and the former orchard of the convent of the Mercedarias. This space comprises a total of 17,621.70 m2. The design of the project is based on the structure that has a school of performing arts and the composition of the fifths or neighborhood dwellings in plant as in elevation. The interior spaces are conceived in such a way that they are suitable for the practice and trial of the artists. To the extent that this school is not thought of as a school behind closed doors, it has spaces in which people outside it can enjoy student essays without interrupting them. However, there are places where interaction with the exogenous public can be generated at the school. What you want to achieve with this school, first of all, is to cover the demand for lack of adequate institutions for higher education and accredited in Lima. Secondly, it is about generating a new cultural space in Barrios Altos, expanding the cultural circuit of Lima, and, in this way, continuing to cultivate the art and the exponential growth that has been taking place in recent years. As Gehl has stressed, as soon as the conditions of the urban space are adequate, the use of space by people is for a longer time at the same time that people move and interact in this space wax safer atmospheres (Gehl, 2014). This space will counteract the feeling of insecurity in the sector by attracting the public, thus contributing to the urban restoration of the sector.
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Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Facultad de Arquitectura
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Register date: 6-Mar-2019
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