Citas bibligráficas
Moreno, L., (2019). Análisis multitemporal de las actividades antrópicas en la zona de la carretera Pucallpa-Aguaytia y su efecto en la temperatura superficial terrestre año 1985-2017 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Moreno, L., Análisis multitemporal de las actividades antrópicas en la zona de la carretera Pucallpa-Aguaytia y su efecto en la temperatura superficial terrestre año 1985-2017 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2019.
title = "Análisis multitemporal de las actividades antrópicas en la zona de la carretera Pucallpa-Aguaytia y su efecto en la temperatura superficial terrestre año 1985-2017",
author = "Moreno Acosta, Luis Arturo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2019"
The research was developed with the aim of analyzing the estimation multitemporal land surface temperature in the area of influence of the Pucallpa-Aguaytia road using Landsat 5, 7, 8 images, between the years 1985-2017. We sought to determine the primary and secondary causes influencing the rise in temperature of the area study... Type not experimental, parametric design, was used because a given situation is analyzed without introducing any element that varies the behavior of the variables in the study. To obtain data georeferenced points each 10km, the area of influence of the Pucallpa-Aguaytia road was established, taking these points was corroborated with satellite imagery obtained from 1985 until the year 2017, with intervals every 5 years, becoming a multitemporal analysis. The results show an increase in the temperature in areas deforested which are given by the demographic expansion, the extraction of natural resources and which were displayed according to satellite platforms. The sparse weather stations in the zone of study provide limited data since each of them has a radius of action equivalent to 1km radius small.
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