Bibliographic citations
De, L., Shahuano, L., Rodríguez, E. (2015). Variables asociadas al dolor agudo en pacientes postoperados de traumatología. Essalud Iquitos 2015 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
De, L., Shahuano, L., Rodríguez, E. Variables asociadas al dolor agudo en pacientes postoperados de traumatología. Essalud Iquitos 2015 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2015.
title = "Variables asociadas al dolor agudo en pacientes postoperados de traumatología. Essalud Iquitos 2015",
author = "Rodríguez Meza, Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2015"
This research study aims to determine the relationship between the associated variables: age, sex, level of education, type of anesthesia, type of surgery, painkillers and acute pain in patients with surgery for trauma surgery Iquitos Essalud 2015. The methods used is quantitative and not experimental descriptive co-relational design, the sample consisted of 39 patients after trauma in the post anesthetic recovery unit (PACU), which were selected according to criteria inclusion. 02 instruments used for data collection; a questionnaire to characterize the sample and the EVA scale to measure the patient's pain after surgery. The results were as follows: univariate analysis; Average age is: 53.9 years. Female sex predominates is 59.0% and the level of education; 35.9% secondary. Type of intervention; bloody reduction 51.3%, to 25.6% arthroscopy, knee 12.8%, 10.3% amputation. Type of anesthesia: spinal 64.1% and 35.9% overall. Type Analgesic; type I and type II 71.8% 28.2%. Type of Pain; Some 25.6% in the PACU admission, 76.9% at discharge from the PACU. 51.3% indicated considerable pain on admission, 15.4% at discharge from PACU. 15.4% reported severe pain on admission to PACU reduced to 0.0% at discharge. Bivariate analysis; statistically significant association between type of intervention, type analgesic and postoperative pain was found.
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