Bibliographic citations
Moreno, G., Panduro, M., Torres, M. (2014). Propuesta de un programa de educación ambiental para la facultad de ciencias de la educación y humanidades, UNAP - Iquitos 2014 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana].
Moreno, G., Panduro, M., Torres, M. Propuesta de un programa de educación ambiental para la facultad de ciencias de la educación y humanidades, UNAP - Iquitos 2014 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana; 2014.
title = "Propuesta de un programa de educación ambiental para la facultad de ciencias de la educación y humanidades, UNAP - Iquitos 2014",
author = "Torres Soto, Magaly",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana",
year = "2014"
The research aimed to design a proposal for a programme to develop environmental education in the Faculty of Education Sciences and the humanities, containing a set of strategies that guide decision-making for will help raise the level of satisfaction of environmental educational demands in the Loreto Region. The type of research was descriptive and the design is descriptive simple. The population was comprised of all the 14 faculties of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon (UNAP) and the sample was the Faculty of Education Sciences and the humanities, which has 187 teachers. The technique used was survey which served to know the opinion of the teachers about the key strategies to be used in the environmental education program. The statistical program SPSS was used for information processing. Version 15. And the results will be presented in table and graphic.
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