Citas bibligráficas
Bicerra, A., Camiñas, P., Delgado, R. (2011). Consumo de sustancias nocivas y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de las facultades de ciencias de la salud de la UNAP - año 2011 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Bicerra, A., Camiñas, P., Delgado, R. Consumo de sustancias nocivas y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de las facultades de ciencias de la salud de la UNAP - año 2011 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2011.
title = "Consumo de sustancias nocivas y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de las facultades de ciencias de la salud de la UNAP - año 2011",
author = "Delgado Videira, Rolando",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2011"
The present study of investigation had as aim determine the relation between the consumption ofharmful substances (alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs) and the acadernic performance in the students of the faculties of Sciences of the Health ofthe UNAP- Year 2011. The used method was the quantitative one and the not experimental design of descriptive type correlational. The population belonged 624 students, the sample was shaped by 238 university students ofthe faculties of sciences ofthe health ofthe UNAP, distributed in 3 faculties (Medicine Humanizes, Drugstore and Biochernistry and Odontolgy), which was obtained by means of the sampling probabilistic stratified to proportional fixation. The members of sample were selected in random simple form, having in consideration the criteria of incorporation. The technology was the survey, and the used instrument was the questionnaire. For the compilation of the information we used : the questionnaire on Consumption of Harmful Substances; for the validation of the instrument Delphi's method or Experts' Judgment was in use, there being obtained a validity of 83,4 %; in the reliability we use the method of the Test and the retest 76.94 % of successes being obtained in the results of one before and later, It's to say we apply the instrument to the same population in two different moments, value that was acceptable for the use of the instrument; the information analyzed across SPSS's statistical package version 17.0. The statistical test used for the contracting of the hypothesis was the nonparametric inferential statistics Chi - squared (X2 ). On having established association between the consumption of harmful substances (alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs) and the academic performance, the following results were obtained: for the consumption of alcohol p = 0.000; to = 0.05; X2 = 27.631, for the consumption oftobacco p = 0.027; to = 0.05; X2 = 7.229 and for the consumption of illegal drugs p = 0.001; to = 0.05; X2 = 36.411; this means that statistically significan
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