Citas bibligráficas
Rengifo, S., (2016). Propagación por semillas de Eschweilera couroupita utilizando tratamientos pre - germinativos y crecimiento inicial de las plántulas, en vivero, Puerto Almendras, Loreto, Perú - 2014. [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Rengifo, S., Propagación por semillas de Eschweilera couroupita utilizando tratamientos pre - germinativos y crecimiento inicial de las plántulas, en vivero, Puerto Almendras, Loreto, Perú - 2014. [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2016.
title = "Propagación por semillas de Eschweilera couroupita utilizando tratamientos pre - germinativos y crecimiento inicial de las plántulas, en vivero, Puerto Almendras, Loreto, Perú - 2014.",
author = "Rengifo Zumaeta, Sergio Felipe",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2016"
The study was performed at the Center for Research and Teaching Forest Port Almond, tree nursery of the Faculty of Forestry at the National University of the Peruvian Amazon. The objective was to obtain information germination Eschweilera Couropita "machimango" using pre germination treatments. The experimental area was 18m2 (1m x 6m / block), each block was divided into 6 plots of 1 mx 1 m each; The experimental design used randomized complete blocks with 5 treatment and 3 repetitions witness; Treatments were T1: Immersion in water at room temperature 48 hours t2: Immersion in water at room temperature for 72 hours, t3: Immersion in water at room temperature 96 hours, t4: Immersion in water at temperature 40 ° C, t5: uncover part of the head near the embryo. The largest recorded germination treatments T2 and T3 with 100% of sprouts; They presented the most viable treatments T4 and T5 with 31 and 34 days respectively; all treatments and the witness had good germination energy.
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