Citas bibligráficas
Cabrera, G., (2009). Análisis y diseño de la red lan de la I.E. "Mariscal Oscar r. Benavides" - Iquitos [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana].
Cabrera, G., Análisis y diseño de la red lan de la I.E. "Mariscal Oscar r. Benavides" - Iquitos [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. : Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana; 2009.
title = "Análisis y diseño de la red lan de la I.E. "Mariscal Oscar r. Benavides" - Iquitos",
author = "Cabrera Soplín, Guillermo Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2009"
In this project "Analysis and Design of the Lan Red to the "Mariscal Osear R. Benavides. High school"-lquitos", it has like a principal object the interconnection whole of the functional areas of the educative institution "M.O.R.B.", during all this process, 1 will have to make a complete analysis of the administrative activities and produce sorne solutions to the problems found in this project. This project has the purpose to solve the problems in the administration area because it had few computer systems connected in red in order to make administrative activities during the attention, that case produce bottle necks and its consequence. To give solution to this problem I use the Top-Down methodological, This methodological way gives us different steps in order to give solutions related to the new structure of the LAN red. One of these solutions will be identify the organizativc units and how many system kit works inside of the red. Thcse are organize in a general inventory and then are associating in segment called Module. lt was shape in rnaps and designs of the physical and logical Red which belong to the lnnovation Classroorn as central node of all Educative Institution "M.O.R.B.". And the rest of the areas will operate in the cape of distribution and access. By means of the new structure of red propose, the teachers will be able to develop their different pedagogical activities with the Internet' s help and make their studies through of this media. Respect to the security physical and logical, this project propose a lct of series of procedimental according to the physical and the use of the ISA Server and the Active Directory to the security of the logical red respect to the access to the base an the access to Internet.
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