Bibliographic citations
Silvano, M., (2019). Evaluación de la generación calorífica de 04 tipos de ecoleñas, elaboradas a partir de residuos sólidos orgánicos domiciliarios - San Juan Bautista - Zungarococha - Iquitos. 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Silvano, M., Evaluación de la generación calorífica de 04 tipos de ecoleñas, elaboradas a partir de residuos sólidos orgánicos domiciliarios - San Juan Bautista - Zungarococha - Iquitos. 2018 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2019.
title = "Evaluación de la generación calorífica de 04 tipos de ecoleñas, elaboradas a partir de residuos sólidos orgánicos domiciliarios - San Juan Bautista - Zungarococha - Iquitos. 2018",
author = "Silvano Inuacari, María Neydith",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2019"
The study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the generation of heat 04 types of briquettes, made from solid waste organic, in the experimental Orchard Research Center of the National University of the Amazonia. The method used was the evaluative type - experimental, and the design was the experimental type, study a given situation without introducing any element that varies the behavior of the variables in the study. Taken as a sample organic waste collected from the town of Zungaro cocha. The treatments, which uses different mixtures were: T1 (40% vegetable waste + 60% paper), T2 (50% vegetable waste + 50% paper), T3 (60% vegetable waste + 40% waste paper) and T4 (70% vegetable waste + 30% waste paper). Having applied a DCA (design completely random) of 4 treatments and 4 replications by treatment with a total of 16 experimental units. Based on the evaluated parameters, it is concluded that treatment T2 showed the best length in briquette with the 18.65 cm., the best weight obtained it the T4 treatment with 825 gr.; T3 treatment presented the best volume of briquette with 16.49 cm3.; and best, briquette with 10.65 diameter cm.; Treatment T2 was that captured less moisture briquette, with the 31.25%; the T4 treatment showed time on 3.8 minutes; and finally treatment T2 showed the best time of boiling with 52.25 minutes.
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