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Loayza, K., (2023). Estudio químico de los tallos de "Cinchona" (Pubescens Vahl) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Loayza, K., Estudio químico de los tallos de "Cinchona" (Pubescens Vahl) [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2023.
title = "Estudio químico de los tallos de "Cinchona" (Pubescens Vahl)",
author = "Loayza Ochoa, Karin Jessica",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2023"
Title: Estudio químico de los tallos de "Cinchona" (Pubescens Vahl)
Authors(s): Loayza Ochoa, Karin Jessica
Advisor(s): Reyna Pinedo, Víctor Manuel
Keywords: Cinchona pubescens; Quinina; Marcha fitoquímica; Total de alcaloides
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: El “árbol de la Quina” o “Cascarilla” símbolo en el escudo nacional de nuestra riqueza vegetal, comprende especies del género Cinchona, entre ellas Cinchona calisaya, Cinchona officinalis y Cinchona pubescens. La Quina (C. pubescens) se emplea en la medicina tradicional peruana, y sus constituyentes puros (alcaloide de tipo quinolinico, quinina) se utilizan como antimalárico, para calambres musculares, reumatismo resfríos e indigestión. Silva, I., et al. (2009) reporta el análisis cuantitativo de quinina, basado en el espectro de UV de Sulfato de quinina, Mesa, A., et al. (2013) reporta la extracción, aislamiento y la purificación (análisis espectroscópico) del principal alcaloide presente en la Quina (C. pubescens) de los tallos y la corteza, colectadas en Antioquia, Colombia.
En nuestro laboratorio hemos realizado el secado, la molienda, el análisis cualitativo de los tallos de la Quina (C. pubescens), y el análisis cualitativo. Además, realizamos la determinación cuantitativa del total de alcaloides de los tallos de la Quina (C.pubescens), habiéndose obtenido 0,66 % (procedimiento Pharmacopoeia 5.0 – 2005). Mesa, A., et al. – 2013 realizaron el análisis cuantitativo de quinina, presente en corteza y tallos, de la Cinchona pubescens reportando resultados en cuatro extractos, el más alto rendimiento fue de 1,49 %.
El análisis fitoquímico que realizamos nos indicó la presencia de alcaloides, aminogrupos primarios y/o secundarios, grupos fenólicos libres, taninos, triterpenos y esteroides, quinonas antroquinonas o antranoles, catequinas, flavonoides y saponinas. En la estadía realizada al laboratorio de Productos Naturales de la Universidad Federal de Paraná (octubre del 2007) se aisló la quinina de los tallos de la Quina, habiéndose caracterizado mediante sus espectros de Masas, RMN1H, RMN13C y 1H-1H COSY.
The “Quina tree” or “Cascarilla”, symbol on the national coat of arms of our plant wealth, includes species of the Cinchona genus, including Cinchona calisaya, Cinchona officinalis and Cinchona pubescens. Quina (C. pubescens) is used in traditional Peruvian medicine, and its pure constituents (quinoline alkaloid, quinine) are used as an antimalarial, for muscle cramps, rheumatism, colds and indigestion. Silva, I., et al. (2009) reports the quantitative analysis of quinine, based on the UV spectrum of Quinine Sulfate, Mesa, A., et al. (2013) reports the extraction, isolation and purification (spectroscopy analysis) of the main alkaloid present in Cinchona (C. pubescens) from the stems and bark, collected in Antioquia, Colombia. In our laboratory we have carried out the drying, grinding, qualitative analysis of the Cinchona (C. pubescens) stems, and qualitative analysis. In addition, we carried out the quantitative determination of the total alkaloids of the stems of Quina (C. pubescens), having obtained 0.66% (Pharmacopoeia 5.0 procedure – 2005). Mesa, A., et al. – 2013 carried out the quantitative analysis of quinine, present in the bark and stems, of Cinchona pubescens, reporting results in four extracts, the highest yield was 1.49%. The phytochemical analysis that we carried out indicated the presence of alkaloids, primary and/or secondary amino groups, free phenolic groups, tannins, triterpenes and steroids, quinones, anthroquinones or anthranols, catechins, flavonoids and saponins. During the stay at the Natural Products Laboratory of the Federal University of Paraná (October 2007), quinine was isolated from the stems of Quina, having been characterized by its Mass spectra, NMR1H, NMR13C and 1H-1H COZY.
The “Quina tree” or “Cascarilla”, symbol on the national coat of arms of our plant wealth, includes species of the Cinchona genus, including Cinchona calisaya, Cinchona officinalis and Cinchona pubescens. Quina (C. pubescens) is used in traditional Peruvian medicine, and its pure constituents (quinoline alkaloid, quinine) are used as an antimalarial, for muscle cramps, rheumatism, colds and indigestion. Silva, I., et al. (2009) reports the quantitative analysis of quinine, based on the UV spectrum of Quinine Sulfate, Mesa, A., et al. (2013) reports the extraction, isolation and purification (spectroscopy analysis) of the main alkaloid present in Cinchona (C. pubescens) from the stems and bark, collected in Antioquia, Colombia. In our laboratory we have carried out the drying, grinding, qualitative analysis of the Cinchona (C. pubescens) stems, and qualitative analysis. In addition, we carried out the quantitative determination of the total alkaloids of the stems of Quina (C. pubescens), having obtained 0.66% (Pharmacopoeia 5.0 procedure – 2005). Mesa, A., et al. – 2013 carried out the quantitative analysis of quinine, present in the bark and stems, of Cinchona pubescens, reporting results in four extracts, the highest yield was 1.49%. The phytochemical analysis that we carried out indicated the presence of alkaloids, primary and/or secondary amino groups, free phenolic groups, tannins, triterpenes and steroids, quinones, anthroquinones or anthranols, catechins, flavonoids and saponins. During the stay at the Natural Products Laboratory of the Federal University of Paraná (October 2007), quinine was isolated from the stems of Quina, having been characterized by its Mass spectra, NMR1H, NMR13C and 1H-1H COZY.
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Discipline: Química
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ciencias
Grade or title: Licenciado en Química
Juror: Alarcón Cavero, Hugo Arturo; Cóndor Cuyubamba, Elena Alicia
Register date: 23-Aug-2024
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